Anyone having offer crediting issues?

Live forum:


03-06-2006 11:03:34

I've never known Trainn to have problems crediting for completed offers. I'm just a little bit worried though. My friends all completed offers for me on Thursday. They were all DIFFERENT offers that said "credits next day" but for me most of the time, they credit within a few hours. Now it Saturday, and not a single one of them has gone green. I wouldn't be worried if just one of them greened. Anyone else had this problem recently?


03-06-2006 11:28:12

I don't think they credit on weekends so if Tuesday rolls around and still 0 greens, I'd start to worry. Although there isn't much you can do about it shrug


03-06-2006 11:32:45

just be patient, and if by tues. they haven't, contact customer service


03-06-2006 11:53:02

i got 3 pending on xbox360 ( ohh well not surprised i usually have this problem with them


03-06-2006 12:00:47

[quote0f5bec9a68="Wolfeman"]I don't think they credit on weekends so if Tuesday rolls around and still 0 greens, I'd start to worry. Although there isn't much you can do about it shrug[/quote0f5bec9a68]

It's automated so as soon as it reports to us, it's updated, no matter when it does. With that said, there are some advertisers that report only on business days so, yes, ones that aren't listed as instant, may not come in until Monday.



03-06-2006 12:08:06

Thank you for the quick replies.


03-06-2006 17:59:47



03-06-2006 18:11:22

I did the Curb Your Cravings offer when it was "Insant", not sure if it still is, but I never got credit for it and I submitted a no-credit report so we'll see what happens shrug


04-06-2006 08:26:14

I had to submit a ticket for curb your cravings as well...oh well...trainn always comes through w/ manual credit...something that I can't say about freepay


04-06-2006 09:58:09

Yah connor I hear ya. You plus one of my other referrals are sitting on yellow. Just follow up on monday or Tuesday. We'll see what happens.


06-06-2006 19:11:22

OK Trainn-Alan...

I have 3 referrals that are sitting on yellow though they completed offers on weekdays and the offers are either instant or next business day... something up with the system here. Am I alone that the credit are not posting quickly like before?


06-06-2006 19:36:56

I haven't had a singal problem with any of my 8 refs going green...


09-06-2006 03:21:17

Finally an update. I finally got credit for my offer and one of my referrals got theirs too. What's odd is I have one other person taht I know completed and that was over a week ago and it's still pending...


10-06-2006 11:07:12

omg 7 pending referals now. WOW train crediting is a crap shoot.


18-06-2006 23:06:39

UPDATE... On my YFVI site I finally had my last one go green. It took 4 days for a 1 day offer to post. I don't get it. Then I have 3 refs that are still yellow on my flashipod site that have been sitting there way longer than that.

I don't get it. I am happy that I completed one and hopefully the approval goes through without issue but Geesh... what's going on here...


18-06-2006 23:21:51

[quote16afe151f6="spongebob253"]UPDATE... On my YFVI site I finally had my last one go green. It took 4 days for a 1 day offer to post. I don't get it. Then I have 3 refs that are still yellow on my flashipod site that have been sitting there way longer than that.

I don't get it. I am happy that I completed one and hopefully the approval goes through without issue but Geesh... what's going on here...[/quote16afe151f6]

We have no control over when offer sign-ups are reported to us. As soon as they are though, the accounts are immediately updated.


18-06-2006 23:49:18

Trainn person, may be you can shed some light on the process of how this all works. I think it will help ease some peoples minds (like mine) on why credits don't post.

Part of the system is automated correct? You get notification from "Advertiser X" who says I signed up. Then you update your system manually? Tell us how it works then it won't be such a mystery.


19-06-2006 00:08:15

[quote6550788ce1="spongebob253"]Trainn person, may be you can shed some light on the process of how this all works. I think it will help ease some peoples minds (like mine) on why credits don't post.

Part of the system is automated correct? You get notification from "Advertiser X" who says I signed up. Then you update your system manually? Tell us how it works then it won't be such a mystery.[/quote6550788ce1]

It's all done automatically, whatever is in our reports gets posted to the site and we find out about it the same time the account is updated. If it doesn't credit to the account, that means it hasn't been reported to us as having been completed.


19-06-2006 01:54:44

so their system feeds into yours? it's like a file upload of people that signed up then it updates your database. how often do you get updates from the various advertisers?


19-06-2006 02:08:34

[quotee3999704ec="spongebob253"]so their system feeds into yours? it's like a file upload of people that signed up then it updates your database. how often do you get updates from the various advertisers?[/quotee3999704ec]

There are no predefined times. All updates occur as soon as the information is made available to us (whether it be every minute, 5 minutes, 20 minutes, hour, etc).


19-06-2006 07:24:47

I have to agree that most Trainn offers do NOT credit at the indicated time, but do eventually credit. And their manual credit policy is pretty reliable too.

But I think there should be some updates to the posted crediting times because it's obvoius from the numerous posts here, and my own experience over my last several Trainn offers and my ref's offers, that credit almost NEVER happens by the time the offer claims. Instants can take days, and I've had NBD offers take as long as 8 days (and usually now it's at least 2-3 business days).

I realize Trainn is saying this isn't their fault, and I can understand that if the advertisers are slow to credit, but the expectation being set is done so from Trainn's offer listings.


20-06-2006 06:38:10

I am waiting for credit for four different offers. I have submitted for manual credit for all of them and still nothing.

How long does manual credit usually take?


20-06-2006 09:40:02

I completed CellaDerm last Friday, still haven't received credit. Not complaining or anything, just it said next day, so I was lead to believe it would be next day.

[quote8744a254b2]But I think there should be some updates to the posted crediting times because it's obvoius from the numerous posts here, and my own experience over my last several Trainn offers and my ref's offers, that credit almost NEVER happens by the time the offer claims. Instants can take days, and I've had NBD offers take as long as 8 days (and usually now it's at least 2-3 business days). [/quote8744a254b2]

I agree with this in total.


05-07-2006 09:17:52

When you file a missing credit report does it take 10 business days, or 10 normal days. I filed for missing credit on June 26th.... When should that be reviewed?