13-05-2006 19:09:59
Another user recommended for me to try uchalf.com to sign up for trainn ps3. It seems like he was trying to promote it for himself, but he didn't give a referral link or anything. I don't see how it could benefit him unless he runs the site. Has anybody else tried uchalf.com?
13-05-2006 20:42:03
He might be listed on the site, but overall it's been working really well for all the people who tried it, I've yet to go green but from what I've heard it's a great site. A lot of people have been recommending it on this forum so it's not really a surprise that someone recommended it to you.
You might want to do a quick search though before you post a new topic. here are some threads..
The PS3 and Xbox sites are new and have pretty short lines so it's a good idea to sign up now before they fill up....
21-05-2006 14:48:33
21-05-2006 16:04:07
Has anyone ever had someone not confirm that you went green for them? I did someones uchalf flashipods site, went green, and submitted to get my dates for my PS3 site... its been like a week and I still haven't heard anything about my PS3 dates yet...
21-05-2006 16:54:57
21-05-2006 21:27:42
[quote1eb2f658f3="Excel"]Has anyone ever had someone not confirm that you went green for them? I did someones uchalf flashipods site, went green, and submitted to get my dates for my PS3 site... its been like a week and I still haven't heard anything about my PS3 dates yet...[/quote1eb2f658f3]
lol, ironic, just got my PS3 dates today XD
21-05-2006 23:05:57
[quoteac43b656d9]Quit tellin everyone! x Im trying to get listed first.[/quoteac43b656d9]
Freakin Seriously!
Those e-mails are for us only Rewman....share in like a week.....not when it comes out......
..so annoying!
21-05-2006 23:19:56
The offers for macs.free4me are hard enough, I doubt many will go green due to not completing a page 2 offer.
21-05-2006 23:43:23
alright alright, I won't tell anymore.
I'm a jackass.
Just got the e-mail on that.
22-05-2006 14:52:17
[quoteed7685b45b="Rewman"]alright alright, I won't tell anymore.
I'm a jackass.
Just got the e-mail on that.[/quoteed7685b45b]
[spoilered7685b45b]shut up! lol I just signed up[/spoilered7685b45b]
edit im all green and submitted my link PPPPPPPP
22-05-2006 19:18:47
how long does it usually take to get a reply confirming that they received your green?
22-05-2006 21:57:02
I dont understand how the system works...I sign up using the ref link then how do they know I completed an offer and how do I get my link to the site?
22-05-2006 22:02:13
You sign up under the referral link listed on your site. as soon as you go green, you fill out their form with your name, email used, date completed, and site you wish to be listed on. they contact the user that was up during the date you told them to make sure you went green. once they confirm this, they give you your dates which you will be listed.
23-05-2006 04:55:30
You will be listed on UCHalf.com/Addons on June 5th - 9th, that's 5
full days!
sweet. So everyone sign up then P
mr sparky
28-05-2006 17:50:26
I've been listed on UChalf LCD for almost 2 of my 5 days already, not even a single yellow yet. I'll keep this updated
28-05-2006 18:07:57
[quotecdd835fbf7="mr sparky"]I've been listed on UChalf LCD for almost 2 of my 5 days already, not even a single yellow yet. I'll keep this updated[/quotecdd835fbf7]
I went 5 days on LCD and didn't get a single yellow. I e-mailed them back and they gave me 3 extra days starting June 18th. There just doesn't seem to be much demand for LCD's, which is bad for me since I have lots of CRT's that need replacing. (
28-05-2006 18:19:13
UChalf seems to be overrated in my opinion. I mean yeah, they've had some success stories but it's just too risky for my taste. I like my green guaranteed but I guess if you get one free green it's worth it but if you don't then it's really a bummer especially if you were expecting a couple.
mr sparky
28-05-2006 20:07:31
Yea I definately expected this thing to be more popular... hopefully I'll get at least one green so that it wasn't a complete waste
29-05-2006 07:20:13
I'm on day three of UChalf/nano and I don't have a single yellow yet.
29-05-2006 09:22:09
o man this isnt good news..... My time on UChalf for addons is in a few days but it's new so amybe it will have some popularity.... maybe
special k
29-05-2006 16:23:39
Uchalf sucks, I got one yellow for nano.
30-05-2006 07:12:31
Where were you people two weeks ago when I signed up on uchalf? (kidding) I have some days in a few weeks for video ipods. I'm hoping to pick up at least 3 greens. I can probably find a few others on my own.
I also signed up on uchalf for the xbox 360 but I'm waiting for my offer to be completed before I can get some dates. It's a newer site so I'm expecting it to do fairly well. We'll see how it goes.
30-05-2006 12:19:46
I've been listed for xbox for the last 4 days and have 3 yellows.
hopefully some will go green...
I had 1 yellow for my PS3, I sent them an e-mail asking if they could relist me...they said I can either get 3 more days at the end of June or do one of their other site and have 8 days on PS3. I just finished Addons with them so hopefully I'll go green soon.
Yea its so crucial to get on uchalf early...my PS3 didn't go green for almost three weeks, so I didn't get listed till way later... such a killer!
I think I'll just list my addons since it's new site instead of the PS3.
31-05-2006 19:48:22
haha check out this email I got from them.
You will be listed on UCHalf.com/PS3 on June 27th - August 1st, that's
5 full days!
ha but they quickly sent out another correcting the dates
There was an error in our database your listing dates are in fact June
27th - July 1st, 5 full days.
awww cry
mr sparky
31-05-2006 21:17:02
I ended up getting 1 green from my UChalf LCD listing, although I got it by listing an incentive in the trading forum... I'm now on PS3, we'll see if my luck is better
01-06-2006 00:12:23
If you use your listing time wisely there is no reason why you can't have 5 greens in one or two days.
They advertise yea and they usually do a great job, but you're on a great site that offers people a double incentive to sign up (ipod or what ever plus free referrals) ... why not take advantage of that?
I've had success with them, but I've also spread the word and in fact that probably got me the most greens out of anything else.
oh and I just got approved for Flashipods!!!! YESSS!
I love the double listing for xbox, I'm glad I used my PS3 for it, 2 greens 3 yellows.
01-06-2006 17:05:11
I got listed on UChalf. Very cool, but by the looks of it, I won't get a lotta greens. Everyone sign up for LCDs on UChalf!
02-06-2006 12:25:16
the addons page is pretty good, was listed a few days ago, received 2 greens for my 1gb mem stick. I don't even think the lines are long on that site, cuse people are doing it to get their ipod links listed...a green is a green -)
04-06-2006 21:51:12
[quoted2890e9d15="Kkowg"]the addons page is pretty good, was listed a few days ago, received 2 greens for my 1gb mem stick. I don't even think the lines are long on that site, cuse people are doing it to get their iPod links listed...a green is a green -)[/quoted2890e9d15]
I'm now listed on this site from now until friday. I'll report everything. I'm really excited! P I got 2 referrals myself already so I will hold off so I know what exactly is from UChalf.
mr sparky
04-06-2006 22:45:55
Just finished my listing on PS3. Got 1 by offering an incentive in the trading forum. Nobody random even went yellow...
05-06-2006 05:13:33
[quoteddbb2a4981="mr sparky"]Just finished my listing on PS3. Got 1 by offering an incentive in the trading forum. Nobody random even went yellow...[/quoteddbb2a4981]
crazy im going now after you ( if i get 2 greens ill be happy otherwise ill just cry wink
05-06-2006 15:32:51
So far on addons I've gotten
1 yellow.
at 2 yellows now!
06-06-2006 04:47:18
Woot first day of listing on UChalf ps3. Nothing so far; any suckers that join can get $5 from me just give me your email address once you join.
06-06-2006 11:42:10
that's actually a really good deal zwarrior, good idea, if I didn't have an account for pretty much every uchalf site I'd hit you up on that.
UChalf listing which is awesome and free $5, pretty sweet.
mr sparky
06-06-2006 14:05:34
I did that offer on 2 UChalf sites in the trading post, got 1 green from it
06-06-2006 14:15:59
Yea i got the idea from sparky; so credit goes to him. But unfortunately it didnt work for him so i dunno hopefully it can work for me -/
mr sparky
06-06-2006 14:29:47
Hey, even if you get 2 greens for $5 each, it's well worth it, good luck! Also, apparently I got another yellow right at the end of when my link was up on PS3, hopefully that random yellow goes green!
06-06-2006 15:28:39
update on addons- 4 yellows
06-06-2006 18:00:40
well the trick with uchalf is to sign up right when they ship the site...you get listed within the first two weeks of the site you're pretty much guaranteed good (if not great) number of referrals. I have an alert on my gmail that makes all my uchalf mail go to a filter so I know right away when they send something out (yea I'm obsessed, but hey they finished 3 sites for me, and I got 3 out of 4 yellows on addons..)
07-06-2006 13:21:20
Ok uchalf update! 3 Yellows 1 Green! yay
08-06-2006 15:51:31
2 yellows and 2 greens! woot!
08-06-2006 15:55:02
lucky 2 days on ps3 nothing at all ((
11-06-2006 04:53:32
Update finished my listing on ps3 AND NOTHING NO SIGN UPS WHATSOEVER!!
11-06-2006 09:30:06
I'm starting PS3 listing today
how do I tell them when someone signs up for me?
mr sparky
11-06-2006 09:36:36
[quote0a5fa1754e="petezahut2"]I'm starting PS3 listing today
how do I tell them when someone signs up for me?[/quote0a5fa1754e]
It shows up on your trainn account like normal
11-06-2006 09:42:30
[quoteb1ab250168="mr sparky"][quoteb1ab250168="petezahut2"]I'm starting PS3 listing today
how do I tell them when someone signs up for me?[/quoteb1ab250168]
It shows up on your trainn account like normal[/quoteb1ab250168]
I know, but how do I tell uchalf
11-06-2006 09:45:09
[quotefd7872d321="petezahut2"][quotefd7872d321="mr sparky"][quotefd7872d321="petezahut2"]I'm starting PS3 listing today
how do I tell them when someone signs up for me?[/quotefd7872d321]
It shows up on your trainn account like normal[/quotefd7872d321]
I know, but how do I tell uchalf[/quotefd7872d321]
hopefully you will be luckier than me cause I didnt even need to worry about it.
11-06-2006 09:46:07
for ps3?
11-06-2006 09:58:21
don't worry about it, they'll e-mail you when a person submits info, and you just e-mail back saying....he is yellow, or he turned green...
11-06-2006 15:29:47
OK, I don't get it. If all these people are signing up for UCHalf, doesn't it take ages before your name is listed? I mean, they claim an average of 500 hits a day (...) so if lots of people actually sign up (ie, if these claims to get 4-5 greens while you are listed are true), then the conga lines must be huge.
11-06-2006 15:48:43
500 hits doesn't mean 500 go green, 500 hits might not even mean yellow, just that they looked at the site
11-06-2006 18:49:46
yea exactly, first time I was listed for 360 didn't get anything, I asked them if they could relist me, and they did.....the CS is pretty cool, they usually help you out if you're nice.....the second time on 360 I got 3 yellows and 2 greens -)
11-06-2006 19:24:18
That's not really my point (obviously the 500 is just views not signups). My point is Rewman, you got 3 yellows and 2 greens, right? So the people who greened for you get time on UCHalf next, correct? But unless each person only gets one green each, then the line should grow longer and longer and the wait to actually get your link posted must be huge?
11-06-2006 19:34:49
but look at it this way.
The MOST greens that the site gets is within the first few weeks (probably 10-15 or so greens) each one will be listed between about 3-5 days (depending on how close their date is to the launch date) so that's about a month and a half of listings, and after that there is only 1-2 greens per person, some don't get greens some only get yellows......so yea the line gets long at first but after about two months the line gets only about 2-3 weeks long give or take....
I had a very similar question that I e-mailed to UCHalf CS when I was trying to decide weather to list my PS3 or 360.
edit also don't forget that just because they registered for xbox or whatever that they want to be listed for xbox. Addons line is still short just because people use that credit to list their ipod links...since you can have 3 accounts for that site I did it one more time to get a Hard Drive -) and the line is still pretty short.
13-06-2006 14:48:54
3rd day out of 5 on PS3, I've got 1 yellow
13-06-2006 15:30:08
[quote6b9b54a13e="petezahut2"]3rd day out of 5 on PS3, I've got 1 yellow[/quote6b9b54a13e]
lucky u i got zip!
13-06-2006 17:24:38
What's your guys' opinion on this..
I just went green for uchalf macbook, I got my $20 paypal from them, and they told me I have a choice of either having my macbook listed or two listings on any other sites....I'm thinking of maybe starting another addons site using one of the credits for that and the other one for my 360
I don't know if listing my macbook will be that effective...It wasn't hard to complete but to newbies it looks pretty tough and especially the casino offer (I actually won $124 on the poker site -) ) So I don't really think the macbook site is going to give me many greens (or any...)
The addons site was awesome (I took $90 paypal for my 3 referrals I got from uchalf) so another 90 would be pretty sweet. So use one credit for addons and the other for 360 (just need 1 more to finish it off...) I e-mailed them and they said they had an opening about a week from now for addons, so that's pretty darn good.
What do you guys think macbook or list two sites?
13-06-2006 17:27:16
If the addons is popuar right now, I would do that. Like you said, the macbook probably won't get you many, and I would assume 360 is pretty much over like ps3.
13-06-2006 20:17:10
yea the macbook one isn't easy to complete I signed up but there's no way I'm going to finish it addons is prety good though, I got 2 green and 1 yellows off of it, hopefully that will go green too.
Quick question where is the Poll for uchalf? like they said that the new sites were voted in....is there a poll...or what? And is there a new site comming out? I want to get on top of that like I did with the addons (which paid off pretty niceley, free memory stick!!!!!!)
14-06-2006 11:25:09
I've got today and tomorrow left on ps3, 3 yellows
mr sparky
14-06-2006 12:16:44
[quotebcf6d90834="petezahut2"]I've got today and tomorrow left on ps3, 3 yellows[/quotebcf6d90834]
Did you do any type of advertising?
14-06-2006 12:18:06
14-06-2006 12:18:33
14-06-2006 12:48:29
You will be listed on UCHalf.com/addons on June 23 - 27, that's 5 full days!
After reading this thread I decided to try it. Will see if I get anything ).
14-06-2006 16:28:09
Nice, Addons is doing really well, good luck man!
14-06-2006 18:51:48
wow that DS lite is so easy to complete! And I just got a little esteem booster thanks to the Tickle IQ test -)
Come on UCHalf give me good dates for this one!
14-06-2006 20:02:01
yea I was really surprised how quickly I got credit for my offer, I think like 3 minutes, maybe less.
14-06-2006 20:09:20
Dude, could you stop posting the new sites when we get the emails? It is meant to give us an advantage for having participated before. Let some us get a head start before everyone kills the sites.
14-06-2006 20:14:04
Ok I'm going to edit the link out my posts, one sec.
edit DONE, I took it out of my sig and my posts.
Sorry about posting the new urls, I got a little over excited.
edit2 Why the hell does it say freepay fan boy as my tag?! I'm so freakin pissed at freepay right now! Can we change that to like..uchalf....trainn...or free4me...or anything.....
15-06-2006 14:29:01
Today is my last day of uchalf PS3. I have 3 yellows right now and no greens. More than I expected. I'll be real happy if I get one green because that's like an even trade. What is the usual percent of yellows that turn into greens? I'm thinking out of 3 yellows, I'll get at least 1 green.
15-06-2006 14:49:41
[quote01ad2b45d4="petezahut2"]Today is my last day of uchalf PS3. I have 3 yellows right now and no greens. More than I expected. I'll be real happy if I get one green because that's like an even trade. What is the usual percent of yellows that turn into greens? I'm thinking out of 3 yellows, I'll get at least 1 green.[/quote01ad2b45d4]
15-06-2006 18:11:51
zwarrior I don't know if you requested a relisting but they usually will do that no probs.
[quotee45245ce39] What is the usual percent of yellows that turn into greens[/quotee45245ce39]
It's been weird, things have changed so much since the PSP site, On the psp site I got a bunch of yellows and some greens. But lately I've been getting more greens and much fewer yellows, I think they changed something all of my yellows converted to greens on addons and now same on 360. A few months ago I would have said not very good, but I think you might just have all 3 go green. For the LCD I got 5 yellows, could not have been more disappointed, but...they ALL WENT GREEN!! IT WAS SCARRY! (when i submitted for approval one DQd, so i still had to get one more, but overall..wow.)
If you're doing a site now, you've got to do the ds lite, man their first guy finished the site in about an hour and he requested to be taken off, so all referrals last night got their dates to be 4 days earlier. So crazy!
15-06-2006 18:26:35
im gonna do the dslite one rewman. Just because you told me to. Hope it works out like u say.
15-06-2006 18:48:28
lol, amir I didn't tell you to do it!!! I just said I'm doing it, and from what I see and hear the site is doing VERY well.
As long as you go green within this week you should have a good spot on uchalf and should get at least 2-3 referrals (a free DS LITE IS ONLY 3!!!) SO AWESOME I can't wait to be listed.
Anyway Good luck man.
I've been wanting one for quite some time. [spoilere71e527c64](3 days)[/spoilere71e527c64]
I pray to god that uchalf does a Wii when Train releases it.
15-06-2006 18:58:22
i didnt see a ds lite one someone please link me
15-06-2006 19:14:45
I'm gona get killed for linking to another new site
but just take a guess -)
16-06-2006 20:21:03
i got july 16-20th. shit i hope this works as good as you say. rewman, don't let me down.
17-06-2006 01:56:21
good luck amir!
Those dates should be good enough for at least 2-3 referrals -)
17-06-2006 09:41:57
After my ps3 finished, they told me they will be trying to convert my yellows into greens. Anybody konw how they do that?
17-06-2006 09:48:12
r they gonna add any new sites becuase ive done most of the sites they have
17-06-2006 09:53:21
yea they said that they're gona add a new site next week, I'm really pumped about that, I can't wait to see what it is!!
about converting yellows to greens, I think they give yellows that have been yellow for over a month some incentives to finish. Longer listing, paypal...I'm not too sure, all I know is they are doing a great job converting yellows to greens, I hardly get anymore yellows that stick, most are converted to green within a month.
17-06-2006 14:05:00
I got an offer for a 10 day listing to go green myself.
At any rate, my PS3 will be listed for June 22-26, I hope for the best!
17-06-2006 20:16:14
Hm, it's kinda bad that they "reward" people for waiting to go green.
What I mean is if you just yellow, later on they provide an incentive for you to go green, like giving you longer on their site or something. Seems odd.
17-06-2006 21:57:59
It's kind of a reward, but if you think about it the earlier you register the better dates you have. The people who register later need more time on the site in order to have half as many greens as people who registered early.
You could wait to go green yea...but then you won't get the early dates, and on uchalf that's the most crucial part!
Is it just me or is there Contact Us not working? Anyone know how else I can contact them. I completed an offer on FreeComputerAddOns and I'm hoping to get my link up there.
19-06-2006 14:41:33
it seems to be working ok....
To submit your info there is a link right under the uchalf logo.
if you want to e-mail them its email==cs@uchalf.comcs@uchalf.com=cs@uchalf.comcs@uchalf.com/email...
Nowwwww it works.
Thanks )
Okay, nice. So I'm green now. Which site is the best one, do you think? Any clue what the new site will be?
19-06-2006 21:26:45
well if someone gives me a pm as soon as they find out about the new site +kma for them
19-06-2006 21:37:26
Are you serious, I missed out on the DS Lite site..
damn it....
And no use asking them about the new sites, they keep that secret (my last two attempts have been FUTILE!!!)
When they release it, they'll let all everyone that participated in the other site know
20-06-2006 04:09:22
And Rewman, I swear. If you post what the new site is when we find out, I will kick you in the nuts.
20-06-2006 12:47:20
PsychoAU dude I know I know...so much hate mail.I mean hate PMs...I'm not posting anymore new sites.
Edit Just got my 60GB ipod!! (Thank you TRAINN for the iPod and UCHalf for 6 out of 8 referrals!!!)
22-06-2006 05:11:25
6 out of 8 referrals? Today is the final day my link is up for the video ipod and I have not received a single referral - yellow or green. I'm pretty disappointed. I was hoping to get at least 2 or 3.
My xbox 360 link goes up in a few weeks. Hopefully, it will go better than this one.
22-06-2006 13:47:58
you have to get in on the sites early, and I mean the FIRST Day it comes out. Since my green for PS3 didn't go through until a few days after I used that for 360 the second it came out....
If I was in your position I'd ask for relisting, then reigster for dslite and apply that relisting on the dslite page, since it's new and you'll get 10 days on it (for going green on dslite and relisting credit)...the iPod site is really old...I'm not on it anymore (obviously) so I can't comment at its' current state.
BTW, when you ask for your re-listing be cool, if you get pissy or start talking trash to them then they won't do it.
24-06-2006 11:31:27
Ya, my PS3 site has been up since the 22, not even a yellow. I shoulda tried to see if they coulda switched it. When I signed up for the PS3, you couldn't do one site and have another listed unfortunately.
Oh well, gotta hope for the best!
24-06-2006 18:33:41
No on yet on my LCD execept someone that I paid. and on top of that he goofed and it credited to the wrong account.
24-06-2006 18:37:10
[quote2ebe901d93="spongebob253"]No on yet on my LCD execept someone that I paid. and on top of that he goofed and it credited to the wrong account.[/quote2ebe901d93]
hey thats me. and I didn't goof. it's just that trainn credited my ps34free instead of my yourfreeflatscreens.
25-06-2006 00:59:36
OK i stand corrected. OH and by the way I signed up for your DSLITE site.
26-06-2006 10:46:57
eeeeh what did you guys think? Was that will power or WHAT!!!
New site came out and BAM!! Didn't say anything!!!
26-06-2006 11:43:13
Haha, I was waiting for you to post =P Last day for PS3, doesn't look like I'll be getting even 1 yellow =S
I'm gonna start checking my email everyday so hopefully i can do the next site.
26-06-2006 11:55:10
dude do what I do now, register for hotstuff (or any of their sites that you haven't done), don't submit your info until they have new site up. And right when they do BAM!
well you know...early listing date since you don't have to wait to go green...-)
26-06-2006 22:34:18
[quotee64ede3383="Rewman"]dude do what I do now, register for hotstuff (or any of their sites that you haven't done), don't submit your info until they have new site up. And right when they do BAM!
well you know...early listing date since you don't have to wait to go green...-)[/quotee64ede3383]
o when are your listing dates for hot stuff? I got june 28th-jul 1!!
26-06-2006 22:37:51
dude u are gonna get an assload of greens.
God bless america.
26-06-2006 22:41:16
o man I hope so.
27-06-2006 23:17:06
soooooo if you guys don't know yet the site is uchalf.com/hotstuff so go an sign up since it's only been out for 2 days!
27-06-2006 23:44:19
any luck?
28-06-2006 11:15:50
what the hey, I gave it a try for the DS lite.
I shall repot how it goes. However I am also using other advertising methods so it might get confusing
28-06-2006 11:18:04
[quotee3e29570ec="justinag06"]what the hey, I gave it a try for the DS lite.
I shall repot how it goes. However I am also using other advertising methods so it might get confusing[/quotee3e29570ec]
you might want to stop those because they ask for a screenshot or a list of everyone that signed up under you for uchalf
28-06-2006 12:29:18
o now im offering paypal for people to sign up at uchalf under me! so sign up for something that you normally would have anyways AND get paid!
30-06-2006 12:02:51
Wow I have received no sign-ups not even a single yellow on the new uchalf site. ...wtf mate
30-06-2006 15:30:34
im listed august 2-6 for the dslite
30-06-2006 19:39:42
Has anyone (except Rewman) gotten multiple greens from UCHalf? 1 person makes a crummy data set.
30-06-2006 20:11:38
I got 2 greens on uchalf/addons
09-07-2006 14:25:47
well my yorfreevideoipod listing is coming up what are my chances on getting 2 refs
mr sparky
09-07-2006 17:28:43
I was just on 360 and YFVI at the same time, got 1 yellow on 360 that's it
10-07-2006 11:53:24
I got 2 greens from Hotstuff from July 6-9, I have another chunk of time next week for Hotstuff once again.
10-07-2006 12:02:35
[quotef7e9a8769d="menikmati"]I got 2 greens from Hotstuff from July 6-9, I have another chunk of time next week for Hotstuff once again.[/quotef7e9a8769d]
wow ur lucky.
You will be listed on UCHalf.com/hotstuff on June 28 - July 01
I GOT NOTHING- 1 yellow
10-07-2006 12:04:39
I did also have 1 yellow, could possibly magically turn into a green shrug
13-07-2006 05:48:03
I just finished my time for the 360 and only received one yellow. I think uchalf's usefulness is winding down. It seems that you have to jump on a site immediately for it to do any good.
16-07-2006 16:39:39
Great, I'm not getting my listing date until the middle of august for my 360 and by then, I might have all of my ref's. Does anyone know if you can change the link you want after they send you your dates, as long as you tell them before your date arrives?
16-07-2006 17:40:36
[quotecf6cdf4808="splinky321"]Great, I'm not getting my listing date until the middle of august for my 360 and by then, I might have all of my ref's. Does anyone know if you can change the link you want after they send you your dates, as long as you tell them before your date arrives?[/quotecf6cdf4808]
try email=ing them, they are really helpful. email=cs@uchalf.comcs@uchalf.coming them, they are really helpful. email=cs@uchalf.comcs@uchalf.com/email
19-07-2006 08:01:06
i think im getting shafted, not even a single yellow.
I think UChalf is going down the drain.
23-07-2006 00:30:52
I hope not, they've been my primary source for greens...
I got 2 for Hotstuff...so not bad..
Did you guys get that e-mail with the 2 week listing promo?! I wish I could register for that...
What would be awesome is to register and not submit your info until they have a new site up...so you'll get two weeks listing on one of their brand new sites. That would really be something!
Too bad I already registered for both 360 and PS3... -(
Great, I'm not getting my listing date until the middle of august for my 360 and by then, I might have all of my ref's. Does anyone know if you can change the link you want after they send you your dates, as long as you tell them before your date arrives?[/quotea2a68afcc9]
I had one of mine changed. As long as you give them at least a week you should be fine
21-09-2006 13:39:33
New site! www.uchalf.com/newnano
27-09-2006 00:43:42
yea not bad I got 2 greens and a yellow on the new ipod site
Got in a bit late...dang, I was in class when the alarm went off for the new site!!
11-10-2006 01:08:34
Quick heads up, uchalf is running a promo for the new Nano site uchalf.com/newnano
complete an offer and be listed for 14 days (2 weeks) on any of their sites.
This a pretty good opportunity to save credit for an upcomming site or get one of your other sites listed.
11-10-2006 18:33:55
Kkowg where is the info on this?
Also, what do the numbers mean on each freebie page ie an 8 in green and a 13 in red?
12-10-2006 14:50:43
welll I got a promo e-mail saying that they'll list my link for 2 weeks (for 14 days) for registering for newnano. I just assumed everyone on their list got that.
about the numbers I thought that those were the number of greens and yellows the site has gotten total through its' "life time". But don't quote on that.
the Customer service is surprisingly good shoot them an email and they usually help you out with everything cs[@]uchalf.com
03-11-2006 22:01:41
wow, they finally are putting out public promos uchalf.com/newnano
they usually only give those to members.
3 weeks too...crazy
04-11-2006 20:18:03
Sweet - the person I signed up under got all their referrals really fast (I guess the site is popular). I just signed up tonight and they are starting my 21 days tomorrow!
Rewman...was that you?
04-11-2006 22:05:25
Wow, thats crazy JennyWren...and no it's not me (unfortunately) I was listed on the second (or third I can't remember) day and got 3 refs. I'm up to 4 right now, scouting the plains for one more.
Good luck on your listing!
05-11-2006 02:11:12
Alright I'm being more nerdy than usual, browsing through uchalf pages and what do I find? Another promo!
/dslite is also getting a 21 day promo until nov 25th.
Looks pretty good, I might consider it.
08-11-2006 22:52:22
honestly, i have done 3 UCHALF sites. Gotten 0 yellows/ 0 greens. On those 3 sites i have been relisted once on all three. In fact, on the trainn nano site, i got the second spot, and still nothing.
There is a reason they are able to shell out 3 week listings.
This system [b3d3372aced]doesn't[/b3d3372aced] work anymore, unless maybe you are the first person in line.
08-11-2006 23:33:33
wow amir, that sucks!
I've done 2 sites with uchalf so far. I got 1 green and 1 yellow on one and 2 yellows on the other I'm hoping one will convert.
Talk about bad luck with uchalf amir!
liliI don't know if you're allowed to do this but here it goeslili
I figured out a pretty cool trick though I registered for wii through uchalf got listing dates for xbox360 (which I started a long time ago) when they asked for my yellows on xbox 360 I gave them all the yellows that I got (even before my listing on uchalf) and apparantly they sent those people promos about listings and what do ya know 3 (of my 15 yellows) went green a few weeks afterward.
I'll play around with uchalf some more and see...that dslite site is looking pretty good (of course only to list my xbox 360 for 21 days -) just a few more greens to go!! Man I want to play gears of war!!!!) mrgreen woot
09-11-2006 02:43:28
damn. Good idea kkowg I can't belive I didn't think of that.