is trainn still crediting?
29-03-2006 01:03:06
i'm missing 1 green from someone who did 1 week ago
i'm missing 1 green from someone who did and miracle burn (BOTH NO CREDIT)
i'm missing 1 green from someone who did toppik hair 4 days ago
this worries me..and its only 5 referrals for it, and it seems like i'll never finish.. cry
29-03-2006 04:34:18
I have been having the same problems lately (
29-03-2006 07:15:42
Same, waiting for my last one on flashipods, I need to finish that site. Its been too long.
29-03-2006 11:13:16
I'm doing YFVI on the points system. It'll be the first TRAINN site I complete. I did 7 offers between Sunday and Monday. Four credited within the expected time, but I'm still waiting on three (Earthlink, FreeServer and PC Safety), despite a "Next Business Day" crediting time-frame.
I realize it hasn't been a week yet, so I'm not griping or anything, I just wanted to throw in my two cents. Some of the offers are definitely still crediting. Some are taking longer than expected. I'll chime in next week with an update.
29-03-2006 12:30:31
I had a trade with someone on this forum and he did a "next day" offer, been 7 days now and no credit (
29-03-2006 16:07:15
I've recommended to many people...I have 6 people on one of my sites, and lii believeli they did for all of them, and only one has credited...this was over 2 weeks ago.
29-03-2006 19:45:47
I just got credited for Earthlink. As far as I can tell, TRAINN is indeed crediting. I'd assume any problems that are occurring are with the offer companies. Not that it makes it any less of a bummer, but at least it doesn't appear that TRAINN is beginning to suffer from the fishy things that are happening at Freepay.
29-03-2006 20:05:56
I think they went on a slow streak throughout mid March, I didn't get credit for 2 legit offers I did and I did a 3rd and got instant credit - Now 5 more refs...
29-03-2006 20:35:03
[quoted76dfcfdfc="akalic"]i'm missing 1 green from someone who did 1 week ago
i'm missing 1 green from someone who did and miracle burn (BOTH NO CREDIT)
i'm missing 1 green from someone who did toppik hair 4 days ago
this worries me..and its only 5 referrals for it, and it seems like i'll never finish.. cry[/quoted76dfcfdfc]
not to be mean or anything, but you haven't waited very long yet, i'm still missing a ref who did an offer over a month ago, and despite sending in no credit requests, support tickets, and along with his confirmation email given to him for completing the offer, still nothing has come out of it.
29-03-2006 21:16:27
yeah but i've done 4 offers through various people and none of them have credited yet.
30-03-2006 01:32:56
[quote54f0e69d23="mtobey"]I'd assume any problems that are occurring are with the offer companies. Not that it makes it any less of a bummer, but at least it doesn't appear that TRAINN is beginning to suffer from the fishy things that are happening at Freepay.[/quote54f0e69d23]
We aren't aware of any advertiser issues or had any signs that there is/was a problem (for example, one particular offer all of a sudden receiving a ton of requests). It is almost impossible though to determine why something doesn't credit normally though as each case can be a different reason and we cannot recreate the scenerio.
The best thing we can do is follow up on the missing credit request and as long the requirements have been met, you will receive credit.
30-03-2006 01:43:30
it has been almost 2 weeks since my friend has filed a missing credit request, how long does it take?
30-03-2006 04:49:47
i've done like 5 trainn sites in last 10 days and all have credited either instantly or within a few days.
01-04-2006 00:14:06
everyone told me how fast "driving4dollars" would credit, now I've been waiting 2 weeks for that to go green
01-04-2006 18:05:59
Yeah, I did Driving4Dollars and still waiting. Ugh.. I want to order my game.
02-04-2006 15:14:58
Gotta watch out for driving4dollars after the one day trial you get charged like $39.
I'm still waiting on my damn tickle test zodiac.
I did my test, I paid for my results, I received my results, I have yet to receive my credit. Meanwhile I am sitting here looking like a deadbeat trader...
03-04-2006 20:08:09
I am waiting on 5 from FlashIpods ... and all have filed for manual credit too ... just bad luck?
03-04-2006 20:21:20
Yeah, I filed for manual credit on gear4me
03-04-2006 20:30:50
CurbYourCravings was supposed to be a next day credit. I did it on 3/29. Still no credit.
03-04-2006 21:43:43
[quotec42d3d1fda="zulu342"]I am waiting on 5 from FlashIpods ... and all have filed for manual credit too ... just bad luck?[/quotec42d3d1fda]
That is highly unlikely. Due to all of the user "claims" of missing credits (they are still in the same ratio as the previous 3 month average), there has been a substantial increase in 3rd party claims that the referral has not received credit when sign-ups were not even attempted (based on our logged data).
I'm not inferring that it happens a lot (if they have legitimately completed an offer through our site, they will receive credit), but it's becoming a bigger trend based on the last two weeks activity and posts like this one just give the decetiful traders a new excuse.
03-04-2006 22:53:37
Can you have somebody check my support ticket?
I included the e-mail they sent me and still no response...I am willing to send anything they sent me to get my credit...I am looking like a deadbeat trader having to wait more than a week for a "instant" tickle test offer...
"Premium Test Membership $19.95 4/6/2006"
I'm desperate...
Yes, I read your's worth a try anyways, I am gonna be charged $20 automatically and I'm not happy about it...I'm only being paid $20 to do then dang ref.
The zodiac test said this was gonna happen...too bad I had to pay to know that...ok not really but I feel like I am getting screwed by "Taurus the Bull"
04-04-2006 10:29:52
I did Trimlife on Sunday, got credited Monday, I don't see anything wrong with Trainn. My favorite site!
04-04-2006 15:06:09
I signed up for AOL on 3/14 and have sent in two missing credit requests and have not yet received credit.
Any suggestions? I am feeling like a bad trader cry
04-04-2006 15:14:29
[quotef7b4ce5bfa="badlands23"]I signed up for AOL on 3/14 and have sent in two missing credit requests and have not yet received credit.
Any suggestions? I am feeling like a bad trader cry[/quotef7b4ce5bfa]
The clock doesn't start on the missing credit requests resolution process until you file one (which was less then one week ago). As the message states, most are resolved within 10 business days (which is two full weeks).
04-04-2006 15:20:00
thank you for clearing that up for me. is there any way to monitor progress on the request? is there a way to know whether or not the information i sent was received?
and another quick question. if i was confirmed by AOL on 3/14, why wouldn't i have received instant credit from TRAINN?
04-04-2006 16:57:23
[quote2b77cad5ad="Trainn-Alan"][quote2b77cad5ad="zulu342"]I am waiting on 5 from FlashIpods ... and all have filed for manual credit too ... just bad luck?[/quote2b77cad5ad]
That is highly unlikely. Due to all of the user "claims" of missing credits (they are still in the same ratio as the previous 3 month average), there has been a substantial increase in 3rd party claims that the referral has not received credit when sign-ups were not even attempted ([u2b77cad5ad][b2b77cad5ad]based on our logged data[/b2b77cad5ad][/u2b77cad5ad]).
Maybe I'm getting screwed by those people I'm trading people ... that's definitely a possibility. But then again, maybe not. Either there was a sudden surge in scam activities around mid-March or maybe there might have been a little crediting problem as everyone seems to be reporting.
If it takes two weeks (10 business days) to get manual credit, then I still have to wait.
04-04-2006 17:03:36
AOL did not credit for me till the 1 month period passed. I filed a missing credit report too. Did not get credit till the next billing date.
04-04-2006 17:14:01
I signed up under zulu342 and did the Feel Serenity offer in the middle of march. It still hasn't credited to my account. I filed a manual credit, complete with confirmation email from Feel Serenity and still nothing.... What's Going On????
04-04-2006 17:22:55
[quote7141a89cae="zulu342"][quote7141a89cae="Trainn-Alan"][quote7141a89cae="zulu342"]I am waiting on 5 from FlashIpods ... and all have filed for manual credit too ... just bad luck?[/quote7141a89cae]
That is highly unlikely. Due to all of the user "claims" of missing credits (they are still in the same ratio as the previous 3 month average), there has been a substantial increase in 3rd party claims that the referral has not received credit when sign-ups were not even attempted ([u7141a89cae][b7141a89cae]based on our logged data[/b7141a89cae][/u7141a89cae]).
Maybe I'm getting screwed by those people I'm trading people ... that's definitely a possibility. But then again, maybe not. Either there was a sudden surge in scam activities around mid-March or maybe there might have been a little crediting problem as everyone seems to be reporting.
If it takes two weeks (10 business days) to get manual credit, then I still have to wait.[/quote7141a89cae]
I swear I'm not a scammer. I signed up for the offer completely legit for zulu342 and I still haven't received credit. Maybe some of the other people are trying to scam, but I did everything by the book. Alan if you could check on my missing credit claim, that'd be awesome. I PM'd you about it yesterday. If you need me to, I can pm you again with all my email info
04-04-2006 17:33:37
[quote67b401cbce="zulu342"][quote67b401cbce="Trainn-Alan"][quote67b401cbce="zulu342"]I am waiting on 5 from FlashIpods ... and all have filed for manual credit too ... just bad luck?[/quote67b401cbce]
That is highly unlikely. Due to all of the user "claims" of missing credits (they are still in the same ratio as the previous 3 month average), there has been a substantial increase in 3rd party claims that the referral has not received credit when sign-ups were not even attempted ([u67b401cbce][b67b401cbce]based on our logged data[/b67b401cbce][/u67b401cbce]).
Maybe I'm getting screwed by those people I'm trading people ... that's definitely a possibility. But then again, maybe not. [/quote67b401cbce]
As I stated, I wasn't saying it was happening a lot, but it is a big enough trend that it bears mentioning.
[quote67b401cbce]Either there was a sudden surge in scam activities around mid-March or maybe there might have been a little crediting problem as everyone seems to be reporting. [/quote67b401cbce]
With 5 minutes of seaching the answer has been given numerous time
04-04-2006 21:00:48
Well I am gonna cancel the tickle zodiac test I will still get credit for it or not who knows...
I am not gonna pay $25+ for an offer where I'm not even sure I am gonna get credit, I'll just do another.
05-04-2006 10:17:19
Sweet! I was almost ready to give up on my crediting for one of my referrals and then I checked today and not only did it FINALLY go green, but someone else signed up under me today and went green! Now I have three and I am re-motivated. Thanks TRAINN. Look out second iPod, here I come!
05-04-2006 21:50:16
( <--- Still nothing.....
06-04-2006 05:10:12
[quoteb0b547b889="Justin82"]( <--- Still nothing.....[/quoteb0b547b889]
06-04-2006 07:50:23
Same here, I hate waiting.
06-04-2006 09:21:33
You must all be scammers )
06-04-2006 14:11:03
Must be...somebody forgot to tell me though...
06-04-2006 21:25:41
been waiting a couple weeks for two from around 2/28 and 3/7 from flashipods and one supposed "next day" 4/2 (i know thats recent). just seems like its taking forever; and they are the last ones i need!
ehhh.. the best things come to those who wait!
07-04-2006 23:39:37
One of my refs was 'whatisntseen' and it looks like he is a scammer -- sorry for giving you a hard time Alan.
09-04-2006 14:32:49
Hopefully this can be resolved early this week. Alan, can you tell me if there's something wrong with the Feel Serenity offer? Is that the one that all kinds of people signed up for all of a sudden?
I did the trial offer - haven't canceled. And i have the trial bottle of the product in my hands. It just doesn't make any sense why I'm not getting credited!
11-04-2006 12:30:26
<----Waiting on my last green for 7 days now...which was supposed to be next day/instant offer! I hate waiting!!!! I want my money!!!! Gah! This is what is stopping me from starting and finishing other websites.
Alan, I'm gonna PM you.
11-04-2006 16:12:24
Got all the greens I was waiting for -- took a little longer but I'm satisfied. Thanks Trainn!
11-04-2006 23:04:56
yellows? sarcasm? huh? wha?
12-04-2006 03:48:49
got my last 4 greens for 3604free last night.
12-04-2006 05:02:18
I'm still waiting on an offer I did on 3/29 to green... (
12-04-2006 09:30:45
Oops ... I meant all the yellows went green. Sorry.
12-04-2006 14:31:08
Got both of my manual credit requests completed and my offers went green after about a week, which is pretty quick on their part - thanks again Trainn <3!
23-04-2006 10:56:49
i've had to submit for manual credit and it has been a long wait and still no credit, i've had to do this for 2 trainn sites and still waiting!!!
23-04-2006 11:30:48
I still haven't received credit for driving4dollars... completed the offer on 3/20, filed for no credit on 3/27.
23-04-2006 11:52:19
[quotec5e94b901d="45udogg"]I still haven't received credit for driving4dollars... completed the offer on 3/20, filed for no credit on 3/27.[/quotec5e94b901d]
We are WELL past that date for processing those request (probably 2 weeks) so there was likely a problem with your request.
23-04-2006 18:25:05
We are WELL past that date for processing those request (probably 2 weeks) so there was likely a problem with your request.
how about me i completed on 4/5 and submitted for manual credit on 4/13
23-04-2006 19:08:18
There are a multitude of offers I have completed that were to be instant but have yet to credit, like Earthlink, Literary Guild, and Tickle. It hasn't been a week yet, but maybe it's just slow at this point?
Also, will the duplicate credit for offers be fixed automatically or are we to report our individual situation to you?
23-04-2006 19:15:26
[quotec6b1725b31="burritopunk"]There are a multitude of offers I have completed that were to be instant but have yet to credit, like Earthlink, Literary Guild, and Tickle. It hasn't been a week yet, but maybe it's just slow at this point?
Also, will the duplicate credit for offers be fixed automatically or are we to report our individual situation to you?[/quotec6b1725b31]
We will get it. Every action on the site is logged and as soon as that log is reviewed, the information will be reversed.
23-04-2006 20:29:40
still waiting, dang, i seriously don't want to ask my friend to do a 3rd offer..scared from the freebie business already
23-04-2006 22:31:45
[quote7e5663a478="Trainn-Alan"][quote7e5663a478="45udogg"]I still haven't received credit for driving4dollars... completed the offer on 3/20, filed for no credit on 3/27.[/quote7e5663a478]
We are WELL past that date for processing those request (probably 2 weeks) so there was likely a problem with your request.
I just checked my account, and the missing credit request is still open it looks like. I'll pm you my details.
25-04-2006 14:41:10
Pretty sure Trainn stopped creditting.. I have around 10 pending offers that have been pending from 1 week-3weeks (7ish refs, 3 site offers). I have submited support tickets with confirmation emails and even offered to take pictures of the products that came from them (Miracle Burn), but I don't think they reply/read your tickets. This is pretty annoying..
25-04-2006 14:49:20
They've had some delayed crediting issues recently, but are still crediting. I've done 3 Trainn sites in the last month. The first took nearly a month and 2 credit requests to get credit. The next site took only about 3 days. The last site I just did took only 1-2 days to credit. None of the offers were instant, but all were "next business day."
So they do still credit...
26-04-2006 02:30:46
My LCD credited (in 6 days) ...hopefully my PS3 will credit tomorrow or sometime in the next few days...lets just hope it's not 6 days again (want a good spot for uchalf..)
26-04-2006 02:32:56
my flatscreens credited within a day.
26-04-2006 03:19:53
it probably depends what offer you do too..(which offer did you do? -) )
26-04-2006 10:16:27
[quotea05add7aa7="Rewman"]it probably depends what offer you do too..(which offer did you do? -) )[/quotea05add7aa7]
mine was Topikk Hair Solution
26-04-2006 12:06:10
yeah, I did Toppik hair stuff and it credited in less than a day.
27-04-2006 16:57:43
Just wanted to check in and report that all of my offers have now credited.
27-04-2006 20:10:55
I've been waiting on several credits from people I know in the real world, who I know completed their offer. In March they were crediting in 1-2 days, since then its been weeks. Not even answering missing credit reports.
It's been over a month since I signed up and completed their "" offer... (the trainn site says that this one should credit the next day). And feedback from Trainn has been sorely lacking.
27-04-2006 22:37:33
[quoteb1366991c7="af.eagle"]In March they were crediting in 1-2 days, since then its been weeks. Not even answering missing credit reports.[/quoteb1366991c7]
Since everything is setup to automatically credit, we have nothing to do with the time it takes. Everything is credited directly from the reports that are made are available to us.
[quoteb1366991c7="af.eagle"]Not even answering missing credit reports.[/quoteb1366991c7]
That couldn't be further from the truth. Pratically every single user that has registered for the an advertiser once (you don't get credit if you've had any type of account with them before) through our site and link, and has provided the information requested on the missing credit request page over the last month and a half has received credit. If you haven't received credit you either have
A) Did not supply a confirmation email [bb1366991c7]WITH HEADERS[/bb1366991c7] (we clearly state on the page that requests without these [ub1366991c7]WILL NOT[/ub1366991c7] be pursued. It's been this way since day 1). This is the primary reason why requests take longer then they should.
B) Previously registered for the advertiser
C) Did not complete the requirements
[quoteb1366991c7="omo"]And feedback from Trainn has been sorely lacking.[/quoteb1366991c7]
We reply to every submission we receive. A message board should not be relied on as a support method. Use the areas on the site and you will almost always get a reply quicker.
28-04-2006 07:29:59
I've done two Trainn sites, the first one took a missing credit request and almost two weeks before it credited my account. I'm currently waiting for another missing credit request (including everything from the confirmation email) from dvdrecorders4free. I completed the offer the 17th, filed for MCR on the 24th and still no messages/support tickets/anything... and this was the first time I had done this offer.
I don't understand ? - I thought Trainn was supposed to be the speedy/reliable one?
28-04-2006 11:40:36
[quote910aaf379d="Justin82"]I completed the offer the 17th, filed for MCR on the 24th and still no messages/support tickets/anything... and this was the first time I had done this offer.[/quote910aaf379d]
It's up to 10 business days from the time you file the missing credit request, not sign-up for the offer.
28-04-2006 12:02:42
Hey the just instantly approved me after they had dq'd one of my refs a while ago so i'm pretty happy w/ trainn right now ) Much better than freepay is now days
28-04-2006 14:51:39
Thanks for the response Alan. I guess you just spoiled me when I first signed up by crediting right away and answering reports in 1-2 days.
28-04-2006 17:46:17
trainn has indeedly been slackin.
28-04-2006 20:26:22
[quote311da41387="amir89630"]trainn has indeedly been slackin.[/quote311da41387]
Really? How so?
If you've missed the, oh, 6-10 mentions, in the last couple weeks, I'll say it again. There is no human involvement with crediting, it's automatic based on the reports that are provided to us. [u311da41387][b311da41387]EVERYTHING[/b311da41387][/u311da41387] that reports to us is updated and if it doesn't credit, then it hasn't been reported to us (so, obviously, the system would not know to credit an account).
29-04-2006 04:38:09
woot...just received my paypal from trainn...approved and received in less than a day )
29-04-2006 09:40:01
[quote074d6374ed="ILoveToys"]woot...just received my paypal from trainn...approved and received in less than a day )[/quote074d6374ed]
ME TOO! It's my first Trainn site also. impressive.
I did get 2 extra refs though b/c I didn't feel like waiting for the other 2 manual credits.
29-04-2006 14:19:13
I dunno, SOMETHING seems up, one of my refs did an offer a month ago - nothing. Two did over a week ago - supposed to be a business day - nothing.
Why doesn't TRAINN just put the REAL crediting time down? Then we know what to expect? Better to be pleasantly surprised when it credits sooner than expected than to think it will take a day and have it be a month.
29-04-2006 20:09:00
[quote773f927373="JennyWren"]Why doesn't TRAINN just put the REAL crediting time down? Then we know what to expect? Better to be pleasantly surprised when it credits sooner than expected than to think it will take a day and have it be a month.[/quote773f927373]
It is the usual reporting time listed. It doesn't take into consideration the time for a missing credit request, because A) it will not apply to most B) that time is often determined by the users action.
The time listed is the time it typically takes to report to us. Obviously, if it doesn't report to us, it's not within that certain time, but since on average the other 8/9-10 do, it is accurate.
30-04-2006 13:24:16
Well so far for TRAINN sites and me, Blockbuster is the only one that seemed to credit in the timeframe mentioned on the TRAINN site
Apr 22, 2006 Blockbuster Credited within the same day I believe.
Apr 22, 2006 MCR filed w/confirmation e-Mail w/full headers
Apr 23, 2006 MCR filed w/confirmation e-Mail w/full headers
Apr 24, 2006 IQ MCR filed w/confirmation e-Mails w/full headers
So out of the 4 offers, only 1 credited within the timeframe mentioned on the site. 25%. Could have been worse but seeing these offers not credit in the timeframes indicated has made me slow down on trading or completing any other offers.
Just to clarify, all these offers are each on seperate sites as the initial 'sign-up' offer. Not all on one site or multiples on one site.
30-04-2006 19:05:44
Missing Credit Requests
Mar 30, 2006
Toppik Hair Solution
Had done Video Professor too but that had "Insufficient Information" in which I promptly sent a support ticket.
What's up with my Topikk credit? I also sent a support ticket with the shipping confirmation e-mail AND the scan of the shipping insert/invoice.
01-05-2006 00:14:30
woah. i got approved over the weekend.. i love trainn... so much faster than everyone else.. thanks!