20-03-2006 12:41:27
So I requested approval on March 12th on Trainn's PS3 site.
I've been logging in every day to check the status (I read a few people mention quicker approval times)...
Then this morning when I log in, my account now says I only have 7 of the necessary 8 referals. However, none of my referals have turned red or grey...one is just missing the original check next to its name.
I put a high urgency support ticket in right away...but I havent gotten a response yet. Has this happened to anyone else? I've had great luck with TRAINN thus far...I'm hoping this is just a computer error and can be easily rectified. shrug
Any help/advice is appreciated!
20-03-2006 13:27:18
They probably did an offer a second time or messed up with the offer. I'd talk to that person and see what happened.
20-03-2006 13:53:52
[quote67a83793dc="UberVash"]They probably did an offer a second time or messed up with the offer. I'd talk to that person and see what happened.[/quote67a83793dc]
Exactly, I had that happen with a few of my refs. It's a probelm with the offer, most likley they signed up multiple times.
20-03-2006 14:34:04
email==latentximages@yahoo.comlatentximages@yahoo.com=latentximages@yahoo.comlatentximages@yahoo.com/email - Was the email address.