17-03-2006 16:33:22
I have found 2 referrals who signed up under a referral link but they have not joined the respective referrer's list.
I think this is the Web server's fault because the respective referrer have not received anyone under his list since 2 days ago which includes todays 2 sign ups.
If you can help me it would be great, I can provide you with more information such as the ref link and the email of the guys that signed up. This is bs because they signed up and completed an offer under the person I was getting referrals for. Now no one gets anything out of this...
Again, if u can help I'd appreciate it.
17-03-2006 16:38:21
I just checked the last two days worth of sign-ups and the majority do have referrers so there does not appear to be any problem with the aspect of the site.
17-03-2006 16:46:33
Well what can I do about these 2 guys because they were "supposed" to be signed up with the respective referrer but they are not signed up to any referrer.