Submitting for my first approval....
11-02-2006 08:03:24
Well, I submitted for my approval on Thursday. This is my first freebie site with referals, and I am worried ->! Hoping that after this approval is over, I still have 5 of those nice little green check marks! ->
Keep your finger crossed for me!
If any of my refs do go red, what should I do? Should I contact that member and have him get a friend to find an offer he liked to get another green? Just want to get some ideas incase I need another green.
I hope though, this won't be a problem!
11-02-2006 08:40:30
If one of your refs. goes red I don't think there's much you/they can do. Going red means they didn't follow the rules for some reason and doing another offer won't help. You'll have to find another ref. You just have to hope everyone did follow the rules ) Good luck!
11-02-2006 08:46:30
Thanks---Most was trading, so I hope they all followed the rules. If one goes red, I have a family friend that is looking to get into the freebie world. Thing is though, I don't want herto do anything until I get my first freebie. Just to make sure it works you know? Especially with a friend, and not the brag bag. But, if its needed, she will signup under me, so I have a backup. Just hope its not needed ->
11-02-2006 20:40:55
hi, there are no ood on that site right?
11-02-2006 20:49:15
[quotee6151effe4="dragonguy83"]hi, there are no ood on that site right?[/quotee6151effe4]
No, there aren't any OODs for Trainn nor Freepay.
11-02-2006 20:50:31
ok thanks
13-02-2006 14:55:09
I just submitted today for approval. How long does Train take to approve accounts?
13-02-2006 14:57:57
[quote35ec5b1159="Shaggy135"]I just submitted today for approval. How long does Train take to approve accounts?[/quote35ec5b1159]
it took me 6 days to get approved. After I got approved it took 2 days to send me my paypal.
13-02-2006 16:04:12
8 business days for me ( ...the max. # of days. It's now been 6 days (4 biz. days) since I was approved and still @ "Shipping Soon". I guess Trainn's making be suffer in order to get my iPod ( lol
13-02-2006 17:33:40
sweet, i hope they work fast, this is my first freebie from trainn
14-02-2006 05:22:35
Me too shaggy---I think I submitted on Thursday...don't really care when I did, as long as its approved sometime soon! Me first freebie! Cannot wait!
unknown uchiha
15-02-2006 13:23:10
Congratus on submitting for approval! Now comes the impatient wait and really really short (but seemingly long) shipment time =D
I was on my FlashiPods account EVERY DAY after submitting for approval. I know just how you feel =D
15-02-2006 14:53:57
i also have a question, thought i could post in this thread instead
3604free is submitted for approval. I just changed my gift from the 360 to the paypal. However, I haven't given them my paypal address. Is there anyting I need to do, or will they contact me for it? My first trainn site.
15-02-2006 14:59:25
After your account is approved, you can order your item and it will ask you for your information and any special notes. You can input the paypal email on that page.
15-02-2006 15:47:05
[quote9e53f77aa5="unknown uchiha"]Congratus on submitting for approval! Now comes the impatient wait and really really short (but seemingly long) shipment time =D
I was on my FlashiPods account EVERY DAY after submitting for approval. I know just how you feel =D[/quote9e53f77aa5]
lol I feel the exact same way. I just changed to shipped yesterday and I'm already losing my mind ) It feels like it's been a month since I got approved when in fact it's only been about a week.
15-02-2006 16:57:59
This thread is killing me!!! Congratulations ajasax!
Thanks unknown uchiha....I am checking every morning and every night ->
16-02-2006 04:54:43
APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ->
Thanks Trainn!!!!
16-02-2006 12:29:54
So about 4 business days I see. I just submitted for approval as well. Congrats.
16-02-2006 13:00:32
I got approved in less than 5 business days on yfvi. Seems they are getting faster...
20-02-2006 07:18:59
I was approved today. So 1 week or 5 business days. Pretty quick. Says my flatscreen will be here by the end of next week. -)
20-02-2006 08:07:22
good job my friend, now you can change your sig -) enjoy the ipod i just got mine and love it!! well thats if you going for the ipod
20-02-2006 15:34:23
anybody know what Trainn uses to ship? DHL, UPS, FedEx?
20-02-2006 18:27:09
UPS atleast for me