will trainn ever credit me?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=31265


23-01-2006 17:51:03

its been over a month, and my support ticket still says received, and i pmed alan couple days but he has not responded, any can give me any help? thanks


24-01-2006 12:14:41

seems to be taking a long while, just now two of my refs who sent in a support ticket over a month and a half are just not getting responses, one even got credit, woohoo!! i would suggest sending in both a support ticket and a credit request and see if that helps. put a high priority on it too, good luck.


27-01-2006 06:32:17

I'm getting frustrated with the process. I follow all their procedures, do the offers and try them out, and get no credit. Then I fill out the missing credit requests and attach the confirmation email for the offer like I am instructed and still no credit. Then I submit support tickets and after a long time finally get a response that says they can't credit the offer without a confirmation email...which I had already attached! So, I submit a response to the support tickets in which I include another attachment of the confirmation email. And here I sit and wait. It sucks for me, but I have people I'm trading with and it sucks worse for them.

So, Alan, if you are reading this, please help. I am having this problem on 3604free and flashipods4free.



27-01-2006 07:01:28

I hope I don't have this problem when it comes time to be approved. I really don't want to wait very long. Hoping to get my ipod approved before March, if not, I am just going to buy one, and when my free one comes, sell it to a co-worker


27-01-2006 07:30:39

This is getting stupid. I have 2 refs that have filled manual credit requests on offers that were suppose to be 'Instant Credit'.


28-01-2006 08:15:53

[quote8ba4b9f6b6="Brutus"]This is getting stupid. I have 2 refs that have filled manual credit requests on offers that were suppose to be 'Instant Credit'.[/quote8ba4b9f6b6]

my personal theory is that these sites are trying to slow us down and hope that we quit and can't finish their sites because too many people are beginning to finish them and they are starting to lose money. it really is only a matter of time before these companies can't operate anymore. since they have to send out so many prizes, i just hope i can finish my nano site before they quit.


28-01-2006 12:04:06

I finally got credit on the two sites I had to request manually. It took a while, but all is good now.


28-01-2006 12:49:22

Sucks. Im still waiting for credit on a lot of trainn sites


28-01-2006 13:01:52

A missing credit request IS NOT a support ticket. Just to clarify, there are not nor ever been support tickets that went unanswered for even close to a month.

[quote67a8ca0b63="skillet2003"][quote67a8ca0b63="Brutus"]This is getting stupid. I have 2 refs that have filled manual credit requests on offers that were suppose to be 'Instant Credit'.[/quote67a8ca0b63]

my personal theory is that these sites are trying to slow us down and hope that we quit and can't finish their sites because too many people are beginning to finish them and they are starting to lose money. it really is only a matter of time before these companies can't operate anymore. since they have to send out so many prizes, i just hope i can finish my nano site before they quit.[/quote67a8ca0b63]

Nope, it's a matter of the advertiser not reporting it to us and dragging their feet when we request they manually confirm them. Nothing more to it, no hidden agenda behind it.



29-01-2006 21:25:15


Nope, it's a matter of the advertiser not reporting it to us and dragging their feet when we request they manually confirm them. Nothing more to it, no hidden agenda behind it.


didn't mean for my post to be taken literally, but yea basically i understand it boils down to the advertiser not wanting to pay up, having troubles with them on other sites. although some of the other sites i've been doing are not looking into the matter that seriously, they seem to not care either. i guess its just my money lost then, oh well!