Red Vs Blue KICKS
06-01-2006 23:24:34
For some reason when I sign into trainn 3604free it say my account is missing ( I had 7 referals) ... thhen when I go to the email account whichc i signed up to the site with it wont log in either ( is this normal or did someone hack me?
06-01-2006 23:25:24
I can not even access trainn sites right now so...
Red Vs Blue KICKS
06-01-2006 23:27:17
o well good thats reassuring it still doesnt explain my email tho
07-01-2006 07:15:31
I can't get into flashipods4free and neither can my referals, what's the deal?
07-01-2006 07:34:56 is down for me too.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
07-01-2006 09:57:51
is anyone else having trouble gettting into the email account they signed up with?
07-01-2006 11:59:53
your free video ipods is working for me.
07-01-2006 15:13:26
YFVI and YPS34F is working for me... and I just checked my 360 site and it works fine... its been completed though, so I dunno
07-01-2006 15:14:10
oh ok, flashipods4free is back up
07-01-2006 16:34:48
Ya, everything's back up here.
Red Vs Blue KICKS
07-01-2006 18:18:47
well I still cant log onto 3604free.... its weird I contacted trainn and they said they changed my email address and its a dif password to and they wont tell me password!
07-01-2006 19:20:18
[quote826b83152b="Red Vs Blue KICKS"]well I still cant log onto 3604free.... its weird I contacted trainn and they said they changed my email address and its a dif password to and they wont tell me password!
You can feel free to pm me about this, but we don't voluntarily change users email addresses. The only way it would have been changed is if you specifically requested it be changed.