06-01-2006 17:42:16
Has anyone done this offer? What it looks like is a free 7 day trial, not cost at all, but Trainn doesn't have any requirements for the offer, unless I guess, just to sign up for the trial.
06-01-2006 21:31:03
Since apparently no one has done this offer, I did it today and it looks pretty legit. I'll let everyone know how it goes, only a free 7 day trial.
06-01-2006 23:09:42
keep us posted
07-01-2006 03:22:08
I did it today and had credit within 30 minutes of doing the offer. Seems like a pretty painless offer )
07-01-2006 07:14:54
[quotea1cb17888c="murdoc"]I did it today and had credit within 30 minutes of doing the offer. Seems like a pretty painless offer )[/quotea1cb17888c]
Wow, I did it last night, but it did say next day credit.
unknown uchiha
07-01-2006 12:31:52
Yes, I did it last night too JohnJimJones. I have yet to recieve credit for it though ><
07-01-2006 14:40:49
I figured out that I forgot to signup under the same email as the trainn site so about an hour after I changed my email under PS3 I got credit for it. Quick credit.
07-01-2006 14:55:31
well actually everyone got redit just now for it.. if my lst ref did it last night like planned I wouldve been finished with the PS3 site, but he didnt so I have 9/10 refs D I'm still plenty happy, I'll have completeed the site by tomorrow around this time for the bronze bundle
unknown uchiha
07-01-2006 19:28:30
WHOA you got 9/10 already? lucky you. I just got back online and realized I was credited =D
07-01-2006 19:37:04
you have all of them now ...
07-01-2006 21:25:03
How much is this offer?
07-01-2006 21:31:02
07-01-2006 21:33:49
I wasn't sure if that was speculation or not.
Sweet! D
07-01-2006 21:40:55
actually they charge a $1 pending fee
07-01-2006 22:06:39
Fuck that!
Oh well, there goes doing that offer.
07-01-2006 22:10:50
the fee goes away but I know how you feel. $1 for an offer... wooooowe.
07-01-2006 23:42:50
Yeah no chance.
liopens new trade threadli
11-01-2006 20:04:51
just did it tonight. will post if and when i get credit.
unknown uchiha
11-01-2006 20:26:54
Oh BTW I got next-day crediting on this offer. Did this like the night the PS3s site came out.
11-01-2006 20:38:52
I got credit in about 6 hours when I did this for Trainn's PS3 site.
11-01-2006 20:40:17
I just ended my membership today since I don't like internet dating crap. Good customer service.
11-01-2006 20:47:26
Same here, they were nice and offered to extend my membership til February, but I declined.
11-01-2006 21:41:30
why does seem so easy? it seems to good to be TRUE!!
so all you do is fill out your info and your registered? or do you have to take the test too or soemthing?
i never saw a billing page where it asks for your card number. is there one? im really confused....
11-01-2006 22:49:46
I did this a couple days ago and get credit the next day. Free and good offer.
12-01-2006 08:39:18
I'm still waiting for credit, I did it on 9 Jan.
12-01-2006 09:47:27
[quotee0174cd742="fooshie18"]why does seem so easy? it seems to good to be TRUE!!
so all you do is fill out your info and your registered? or do you have to take the test too or soemthing?
i never saw a billing page where it asks for your card number. is there one? im really confused....[/quotee0174cd742]
It is easy. You do have to add a CC.
12-01-2006 12:41:09
The customer service is fast and friendly. Great offer overall.
13-01-2006 04:17:45
it took me a little over 3 hours to turn green -)
14-01-2006 13:13:43
Never credited for me.
20-01-2006 10:10:30
I also did this offer, I received the credit instantly... I love this offer )
20-01-2006 13:17:42
Got instant credit, didnt pay a dime. Easy offer, and pretty nice customer service
25-01-2006 22:36:29
Haven't received credit for it -- signed up Jan 23. I even filled out a profile and did their tests -- which was kind of interesting. I need to go to tolerance camp.
26-01-2006 08:50:48
I just signed up as well for this site. I am hoping it will credit ASAP.
28-01-2006 01:44:11
credited very fast, no $1 fee even
28-01-2006 06:30:52
Did it on Thursday. Still not green yet...
28-01-2006 12:34:00
You might need to wait till monday-I am not sure if greens come over the weekend.
29-01-2006 12:34:53
My referral got credit for this offer on Friday, I requested Approval for YourFreeVideoiPods ($300 ))
I hope none of my referrals get ass raped DQ'ed.
Can someone show me how to make those cool Trainn signatures?
29-01-2006 13:37:20
I got greened on yourps34free on this offer last night. A bit surprised they credit on the weekends...
29-01-2006 13:46:34
[quote9c017a5601="dagreatmighty1"]I got greened on yourps34free on this offer last night. A bit surprised they credit on the weekends...[/quote9c017a5601]
The process is automated so as soon as it reports to us, your account is updated.
29-01-2006 17:38:18
I had to get manual credit on 360free, but it eventually did happen.
29-01-2006 23:25:01
I had to do a manual credit on this one .... hopefully I'll get the credit soon.
30-01-2006 21:19:29
I read somewhere that if you say you're a woman, a credit card is not required. Is this true?
Well, I just did that and I'm a little confused as to whether or not I have completed all the offer requirements. I signed up and completed the Compatibility Test. So when I click "My account" under Tools, I'm given the option to "Subscribe Now - Your promotion period ends on 3/31/2006" So I click that and this is what comes up, "Your present subscription (Ladies Free) makes an additional subscription unnecessary."
??? Sooo, does that mean I have completed this offer? I'm confused!
01-02-2006 08:11:44
my green was instant!
01-02-2006 11:11:04
[quoteab1a832f8f="Brutus"]Never credited for me.[/quoteab1a832f8f]
Don't worry, it takes about a day like it says on the description for this offer to credit. And also, make sure you went all the way to the page that asks for your CC, or you'll probably not get credit...
03-02-2006 08:55:05
I hope all my offers get approved -< I am really worried. Someone told me that a few of their refs did this offer and not one got it completed -<
Thats the offer I did for my initial offer. I found another site to use, so I cancelled it -<
OH NO!!! I am a little worried...
06-02-2006 18:32:33
[quote38e2b6d40e="fiz"]If you cancel before the trial is up, does this affect whether you get credit or not?[/quote38e2b6d40e]
no cancellation talk allowed
really sorry im new here...
06-02-2006 18:42:52
Weird. I did this offer and got instant credit (though I think it was on Freepay) and one of my refs did it over the weekend on YFVI and got credit today... Though another one of my refs did it on Feb 1 and still no credit. Guess it's off an on.
06-02-2006 20:18:23
08-02-2006 20:56:21
Still havent received credit for this on on trainn ... filed a missing credit request and it's been a week. None of the people I know who have done on Trainn received credit thus far -- on Freepay, it was semi-instant.
[quotebcddeeed46="zulu342"]Still havent received credit for this on on trainn ... filed a missing credit request and it's been a week. None of the people I know who have done on Trainn received credit thus far -- on Freepay, it was semi-instant.[/quotebcddeeed46]
Actually, I got credited yesterday, a day after I signed up...I guess it's hit or miss... ?
09-02-2006 09:30:18
I think I got credited pretty quickly for this offer on YFDirect Bigwin. I think it was next business day. It seems like A LOT of people are doing this offer now, so the customer service reps. are being bombarded. I called last night, was on hold for like 15min., hung up. Tried this morning and waited about 5min. to get a hold of someone. Otherwise, good customer service...offered to extend my trial 1 mo.
09-02-2006 23:21:40
I got credit for it today ... took a while. Two of my referrals I think did this offer too and haven't received credit.
Did you guys complete your entire profile on
10-02-2006 19:26:35
Do you need the same email address as trainn site to get credit?
10-02-2006 22:20:46
[quote656aced222="zulu342"]Did you guys complete your entire profile on[/quote656aced222]
Nope, I only filled out the form when I signed up, and got credit in 1 business day. Their CS is also pretty good.
[quote656aced222="b0otleg"]Do you need the same email address as trainn site to get credit?[/quote656aced222]
You don't [i656aced222]need[/i656aced222] to put the same e-mail address, but it helps out a lot when it comes to getting instant credit.
11-02-2006 15:14:21
on freepay, when i complete this offer and submit my info, it takes me back to the comple offers page
sorry that this is a freepay question but its for the true offer....
15-02-2006 17:17:53
i did this 5 days ago and still haven't gotten credit...will cancel (cuz im unhappy wit their service) tomorrow
15-02-2006 18:00:44
[quote7a00f9a66a="Nassty"]i did this 5 days ago and still haven't gotten credit...will cancel tomorrow[/quote7a00f9a66a]
Umm, we don't talk about canelling offers. You should only sign up for offers you are genuinely interested in.
16-02-2006 07:36:08
on Trainn I never got credit for this. I never got e-mails either. But I did get a CC charge. I'm trying to contact True for some confirm e-mails so I can get manual credit
16-02-2006 07:39:11
nothermind, I did get e-mails they just got sent straight to Spam
18-02-2006 00:57:47
so did most people get credited or not? yes or no?
18-02-2006 06:13:10
[quote416e1aadfe="toiletpaper55"]on freepay, when i complete this offer and submit my info, it takes me back to the comple offers page
sorry that this is a freepay question but its for the true offer....[/quote416e1aadfe]
Yea, that glitch sucks. Cause then you can't use your e-mail address again to re-do it. I had to create like 10 new emails cause True kept fucking up and sending me back to FreePay 1/2 way thru the process
Use Firefox and it won't happen. took waaaay too long for me to figure that out.
Verdict seems that is quick with freepay if you get past the glitch...also seems to take awhile on TRAINN and soemtimes require manual credit.
19-02-2006 20:57:24
[quoted65f690791="johnjimjones"]I just [bd65f690791]ended[/bd65f690791] my membership today since I don't like internet dating crap. Good customer service.[/quoted65f690791]
nice, "ended". everyone! talking about ending is O.K!
19-02-2006 21:35:27
i my friend signed up for it and hes like completed, but i didn't get greened. Did my homework for 10 minutes and BAM i check it and i'm greened.
22-02-2006 10:26:29
I signed up for through trainn and got credited instantly, like within 5 minutes.
But then a friend signed up for it through freepay, and it's been 5 days and still nothing. Plus, they didn't send an actual confirmation email so much as just spammed him from the start. I wonder if that's good enough to use for a manual credit later...