ø¤º°`°º¤ø, Custom Trainn Status Sigs! ø¤º°`°º¤ø,
22-12-2005 16:42:04
With the amount of people having Trainn Sigs in their sigs, I decided to take it a step farther. I created a script that allows you to overlay your status, after you complete the site. shock
This works with every Trainn site, and is very easy to setup. Just follow the steps below
[bcac6b19835]How to Make Your Custom Sigs [/bcac6b19835][/sizecac6b19835][/colorcac6b19835]
- [licac6b19835]Login to the Trainn Site that you want your sig from.
[licac6b19835]Click on the My Account Tab
[licac6b19835]Scroll down to the bottom and copy the URL to your Account Status image.
[licac6b19835]Go to http//www.mytestsites.net/sig_gen/
[licac6b19835]Follow the instructions there.
[licac6b19835]Copy and past the code for forums that is generated (should have and [" alt=""/img] in it) into your signature in your profile[/listocac6b19835][/sizecac6b19835]
I've approved it with Trainn, and it should work without errors. You can view what some of them look like in my sig.
If you have any questions or encoutner any errors, send me a [url==http//forum.freeipodguide.com/privmsg.php?mode=post&u=4558]PM Me[=http//forum.freeipodguide.com/privmsg.php?mode=post&u=4558]PM Me[/url]. D
Also, if you want to have a different image overlayed, you can sent it to me, and I will add the option. It has to be a 400px x 100px .pngurl==http://=http:///url image with transparency. ;)
[bcac6b19835]Current features[/bcac6b19835]
[list=1cac6b19835][licac6b19835]Ovelays the following status over your Trainn image
[list=1cac6b19835][licac6b19835]Requesting Approval
[licac6b19835]Overlays come in many different styles[listcac6b19835][licac6b19835]3 Styles are available for the following stauses[listcac6b19835][licac6b19835]Requesting Approval
[licac6b19835]Received[/listucac6b19835][licac6b19835]1 Style is avaible for the following statuses
[licac6b19835]Denied[/listucac6b19835][/listucac6b19835][licac6b19835]The ability to have a fast loading image that updates every 24 hours, or have one that loads slightly slower, but is always up to date.
[licac6b19835]The creation site automtically updates when you try to make a new sig for a new Trainn site (IE If you put http//www.yourplasmas4free.com/goods/123456.png, the site would add the option to make a sig for that site)
[licac6b19835]Lots of little things. D
22-12-2005 18:27:36
Cool, nice job.
22-12-2005 18:32:17
awesome man, I've been marveling at your sig pics for a while now..
22-12-2005 18:36:20
[quote057a59f95e="whatisntseen"]awesome man, I've been marveling at your sig pics for a while now..[/quote057a59f95e]
I'm glad you like them! If anyone want to make any other status image to overlay, just PM me! D
22-12-2005 20:51:34
Can you make one that says "Hideously Oversized Sig"? Also, "Abuse of deform filters".
22-12-2005 21:01:46
[quoteee4cac2cfb="Admin"]Can you make one that says "Hideously Oversized Sig"? Also, "Abuse of deform filters".
( lol I do think they could look better. I'll probably change them a bit this weekend. If you want different images, you can make them, and PM me with a link. )
22-12-2005 21:07:09
That's pretty cool. Thanks
22-12-2005 23:18:56
W00t w00t, i've been pondering on your sig and trying to make it like yours, now you made it possible!!!
23-12-2005 22:00:57
Okay, I'm in need of new graphics, and am willing to pay.
09-01-2006 20:57:49
Update[list1f60930f1e][li1f60930f1e]Now Supports the Trainn PS3 Site
[li1f60930f1e]ReSubmitted status added
http//mytestsites.net/sig_gen/3604free/1189443/res/ovr/sig.png[" alt=""/img1f60930f1e][/listu1f60930f1e]
[li1f60930f1e]Denied status added
[list1f60930f1e][li1f60930f1e][img="1f60930f1e]http//mytestsites.net/sig_gen/3604free/1189443/den/ovr/sig.png[" alt=""/img1f60930f1e][/listu1f60930f1e]
[/listu1f60930f1e]Any other comments/suggestions welcomed!
09-01-2006 21:14:14
I liked the old ones a lot better.
09-01-2006 21:23:36
I like the new ones since you can look at the picture knowing what people are going after.
16-01-2006 21:01:36
Update[list850689df3a][li850689df3a]The Script can now handle your standard ref links.
[li850689df3a]It will display an image letting you know if the trainn site you want the image from is down
[li850689df3a]Fixed an error in the ID field that prevented the user from manually entering in their info.[/listu850689df3a]
[quote850689df3a="shamash"]I liked the old ones a lot better.[/quote850689df3a]Hmm, I'll see if I can get those for you. ;)
Any other comments or suggestions are welcome!
As always, Karma++ would be appreciated. D
16-01-2006 21:07:59
+Karma, awsome sigs
17-01-2006 04:56:21
+ karma again -) awesome guy
17-01-2006 05:16:40
BTW For some reason, it is still not showing the right image when a site is down. Right now, it will say that there is an error in your id. I'll try to fix that later. shrug
31-01-2006 08:36:19
Thanks! +Karma I'm gonna start using this since something is actually happening on my YFVi site...
31-01-2006 11:03:43
thanks for the excellent sigs!!!! +karma
31-01-2006 13:46:12
I've got a massive update coming hopefull tonite. )
31-01-2006 13:47:43
update to what? Also, how come you have 9 referals? Can I have that extra? ;->
Question, my ID just had an error on it. So I went back and recopied my link. How come this happened?
31-01-2006 14:31:14
[quotea4165541bb="Bildo818"]update to what? Also, how come you have 9 referals? Can I have that extra? ;->
Question, my ID just had an error on it. So I went back and recopied my link. How come this happened?
It's gonna be an update to the whole script, basically it's gonna be a lot better.
As for the ID problem, it looks like something is going on with yourfreevideoipods.com, and so, the script can't get to the sig image on that site. Currently, if for some reason it can't find your sig image, it automitcally displays that ID is an error. I'm gonna see if I can fix that now though.
31-01-2006 20:40:30
Seems like it's working fine now (it was taking a while to even show on FIPG)
Thanks for fixing it!! ->
31-01-2006 20:59:19
[quotee83ac405e8="Bildo818"]Seems like it's working fine now (it was taking a while to even show on FIPG)
Thanks for fixing it!! ->[/quotee83ac405e8]
The problem was most likley because YourFreeVideoIpods was running slow. I'm almost done with the upgrade, and am going to upload it tomorow. )
03-02-2006 23:14:04
OKay, I've got the update up. If you see anything wrong, please PM me. Also, I am going to post what the new features are, what they do, and how to work them a bit later, some of the changes are pretty obvious through.
09-02-2006 21:35:20
- [li4ff3e8e01d]Added different styles. You can change your style by adding a 1/ before the sig.png.
[li4ff3e8e01d]Random signatures can be generated by elimitating the thing in bold above
[li4ff3e8e01d]Implemented a MySql Backend to log stuff
[li4ff3e8e01d]Implemented a Caching type system. This allows for images to be loaded quicker because they are actual files on the server. They refresh automatically every 24 hours.
[li4ff3e8e01d]You can force the image to refresh everytime it is loaded by changing sig.png to sig_r.png
Example ttp//mytestsites.net/sig_gen/3604free/1189443/rec/3/sig[b4ff3e8e01d]_r[/b4ff3e8e01d].png[/listo4ff3e8e01d]
[b4ff3e8e01d]Things to Come[/b4ff3e8e01d]- [li4ff3e8e01d]Update the Generator page so that you can change the type right on there.
09-02-2006 21:43:09
Awesome compguru! +Karma Keeps gettin better and better! How many different styles are there?
Edit nvm, by trial & error, found out there's 3 wink
10-02-2006 23:55:27
[b0ca4bfdaf1]One more update[/b0ca4bfdaf1]
- [li0ca4bfdaf1]Added the ability to chose your type from the Sig Creation Page
[li0ca4bfdaf1]Added the ability to chose if you want your image to refresh every time on the Sig Creation Page
[li0ca4bfdaf1]Added a preview that lets your preview what the types of sigs look like before you chose one (Javascript Required)
[li0ca4bfdaf1]Added the ability to have the url automitically formatted for Forums and HTML
[li0ca4bfdaf1]Gave the site a [b0ca4bfdaf1]Major[/b0ca4bfdaf1] facelift. Check it out at http//www.mytestsites.net/sig_gen
[b0ca4bfdaf1]Things to Come[/b0ca4bfdaf1]- [li0ca4bfdaf1]Nothing right now
[li0ca4bfdaf1]Your suggestion here. D[/listo0ca4bfdaf1]
Please PM me with any bugs you encounter. D
15-02-2006 17:53:10
Aww, come on! No one has any comments? cry
BTW Congrats to whoever has a YourFreeVideoIpods ID of 11659881, your image has been loaded almost 10,000 times. shock
15-02-2006 19:33:24
lol That would be me (1659881). I guess cause I check the forums quite often shock and I post in high-traffic threads, lol. Anyways, I think your Status program works perfectly now....no bugs for me...obviously wink Suggestions...maybe add more styles (a given), put a timestamp on the image somewhere of the last status change. That's all I could think of.
15-02-2006 20:05:24
Thanks man
18-02-2006 09:07:41
[quote2c63399133="ajasax"]lol That would be me (1659881). I guess cause I check the forums quite often shock and I post in high-traffic threads, lol. Anyways, I think your Status program works perfectly now....no bugs for me...obviously wink Suggestions...maybe add more styles (a given), put a timestamp on the image somewhere of the last status change. That's all I could think of.[/quote2c63399133]
Sure, I can do the timestamp thing. Where would you want it?
06-03-2006 09:58:39
Maybe you could put the timestamp in the lower-left corner. Something like "Last Status Change mm.dd.yy" then ppl will know when you got your iPod/whatever. Btw, my image is broken....whats going on? Should I regenerate it?
liEdit Nvm, something must be screwy w/ the campus pod. It's back.
06-03-2006 16:49:06
wtb a sticky!
18-03-2006 15:58:26
[quote96201623a1="nrellihan"]wtb a sticky![/quote96201623a1]
A sticky would be greatly appreciated. ;)
I am working on the Time/Last Update thing, should be done soon. D
09-05-2006 21:22:44
Back to the top. )
09-05-2006 21:44:09
oh crap that's how it works!
16-05-2006 00:11:22
2. Don't know if anybody else experienced this, but my sig right now is not what was displayed on your site. It seems to change every now and then (which I don't mind, actually ;)).
16-05-2006 05:04:15
It doesn't always update because my script stores the image, and update it every 24 hours. If you want to force it to update, just replace sig.pnh with sig_r.png. You can do that via your browser to update it manually, or you can put it in your sig to have it update every time it's loaded, but will take a lot longer to load.
16-05-2006 18:33:41
Thanks TSJ for the Sticky. )
30-05-2006 03:10:43
01-09-2006 22:35:02
So far, 97 different sigs have been generated. The pic in my sig has been loaded 82,988 times as of this posting, the most in the database.
Any ideas for more features?
14-09-2007 09:57:38
Are you going to add the new sites?
23-03-2008 14:09:58
How come it doesn't work for me?
23-03-2008 16:23:26
[quote0d8181a791="Ndrwzheng"]How come it doesn't work for me?[/quote0d8181a791]
are you really 13 years old? how can you do C.C. sites or put money in your paypal?
23-03-2008 16:43:54
Yeah I'm 13. TRAINN doesn't state in the Terms that you have to be a certain age, it's just in the Help section which it says anyone over 16 can participate. Plus, I can do CC sites because I used my mom's CC, and I have a bank account so I have money in my paypal. It's all in the thinking P
23-03-2008 16:48:48
[quote869f874628="Ndrwzheng"] It's all in the thinking P[/quote869f874628]
well think on then little dude. that's awesome. you're going to be the only kid with all this crazy money and cool stuff. that's awesome haha. i wish i was that smart when i was a wee lad D D D
I'll give you some karma for being cool D
23-03-2008 17:12:21
LOL thx, I've completed YFVI and received $300 check because my limit for Paypal was already met and I could no longer receive more than $44 that month. The only thing bugging my about my youripodtouch site is that I posted on eBay, but I didn't include my referral link. I'm afraid someone would report me as spam when I gave them the info by email.... ? Oh yeah for anyone using Anything4free, add me to your friends list! Username is Tom Zheng.