14-12-2005 02:26:47
How long do you think it will take for my black 30gb ipod to get to me if it changed to shipped on Sunday the 11th? I've heard from some people that it might say "shipped" but then take like 2 weeks to receive. Then i've heard Trainn ships on Wednesdays and Saturdays. What do you think should I expect?
14-12-2005 06:23:56
I dont know, but I have been processing for almost 2 weeks now. When did you place your order and when did you turn to shipped?
Everytime my product was marked "Shipped", it arrived about three days after.
14-12-2005 18:47:09
my estimated shipping date was Dec. 5th... and there is still no tracking number or ipod at my door cry
14-12-2005 18:52:37
Is there a Trainn rep on this forum that we can PM to get specific questions like order status, etc. addressed?
[quote17f74acadf="stauffac"]Is there a Trainn rep on this forum that we can PM to get specific questions like order status, etc. addressed?
There is a Trainn rep but he DOES NOT like it when people ask user specific questions. He asks that you open a support ticket as thats the fastest and most efficient way your questions will be answered.
14-12-2005 22:08:54
Cool. Thanks! I've done that, so I'll sit back and see what comes of it.
It took me 4 business days to get mine after it shipped. urs is black though. you will probably get it this week.
14-12-2005 22:39:32
did you get a trackign number b efore you received it?
i didnt even receive a tracking number and it came from amazon. a friend of mine got their video ipod (black) after like...6 days or something. dont expect to wait tooo long.