10-12-2005 20:27:43
Well, two of my refs who signed up under my today arent showing up. This happened to a friend today too...which leads me to believe something is going on with the server?
11-12-2005 07:41:43
[quote948e8e70e4="Aurelius"]they're back[/quote948e8e70e4]
Same here. )
11-12-2005 10:24:59
well they aren't crediting their instant offers for me... anyone else?
11-12-2005 10:34:15
Now the site isnt even working roll
11-12-2005 10:35:15
i know one of mine completed an offer and he got credit, had to send in a support ticket for me to get credit for his completed offer, also had another guy do a site but nothing ever happened, didn't say he had signed up just hadn't credited or anything
11-12-2005 11:28:30
Looks like im filing out 4 support tickets if people greening is an issue.......ugh.
I really dont look foward to this.
11-12-2005 14:05:31
one of my refs jsut green'd ( that he did yesterday)
11-12-2005 20:31:47
I'm not working on trainn at the moment.
But some of my refs credited quickly.
And some of them took a while.
And some of them didn't do any offers.
And a bunch of people couldn't do the site, so I didn't trade with them.
Yes, the refs don't always show up immediately. We don't need dozens of threads on the subject, and certainly not a thread in which everyone updates about their crediting.
That happened to me once, but the ref showed up 2 days later. wierd.