08-12-2005 01:49:42
I submitted my order on the 19th of Nov estimated ship was Nov 29th its now Dec 8th and no sign of my iPod is there a backorder for 30gbs now??
08-12-2005 02:13:16
The Black iPods were taking longer then the white ones to obtain, but everything is available.
08-12-2005 20:29:01
[quote6ebf39c389="Trainn-Support"]The Black iPods were taking longer then the white ones to obtain, but everything is available.[/quote6ebf39c389]
so why is it almost 3weeks since my order date with no update?
08-12-2005 21:56:23
call fedex and ask them if you have any incoming packages. they probably shipped your ipod on wednesday, december 7th. call fedex and see.
09-12-2005 14:08:17
me too since November 17 and we are December 09 its an video ipod White and no updates! its still in processing status for my video ipod 30 G
09-12-2005 23:05:02
woah.. i at leat got "shipping soon" on mine after i requested on 25th....