04-12-2005 20:57:32
I have already completed flashipods4free and one of my relatives from Connecticut thinks they could easily get 5 refs but don't want an ipod video... They told me they can just do it for me if I want.
When they are placing their order, could they put my address so their ipod video is sent to me?
04-12-2005 21:32:21
I'd bold that "No", but sometimes the soft touch works too. ;)
04-12-2005 21:38:34
they can get it sent to them, then mail it to you..
04-12-2005 21:43:55
^^^ exactly... then you can make threads about your relative not shipping when they said they would, and not giving u a tracking # )
04-12-2005 22:13:16
Why can't they send it to him? I got an ipod shuffle from freepay and had it sent to a friend. If Trainn is anything like freepay, don't they ask you where you want your item shipped after you get approved?
04-12-2005 23:11:02
well, if he already got it from the site, and his "relative" is now doing the same site I'd say no.
I'd easily assume that he was trying to fraud me if I see that at the last second he changes his mailing addy to an addy that has already gotten a prize. It looks like he used fake info to stay green, and changed last second.
04-12-2005 23:47:14
[quote6baa5a3477="Airkat"]^^^ exactly... then you can make threads about your relative not shipping when they said they would, and not giving u a tracking # )[/quote6baa5a3477]
nice... i can see it already... F'N RELATIVE STOLE MY IPOD!!! OMG!!! HAX!! BAN THE NUB!!! D
05-12-2005 02:31:09
Oh I misread his post, I didn't see that his realtive wanted to do a site that he already completed. In that case I agree with Airkat. They'd probably look at it like it was fraud.