02-12-2005 15:16:16
After 11 days my account was finally evaluated. When I logged in it asked me if I wanted to "submit my account for approval" which I already did 11 days prior. However my first ref went red?!? I had 6 refs for a 5 ref 30gb ipod. Is there a reason they stop evaluating all your refs after the 1st one goes red, Or did they evaluate the other 5 I had (which i doubt). This ever happen to anyone, please offer some insight. Thanks!
02-12-2005 16:09:28
I would just submit for approval again. I've heard rumors that they approve you in 24-48 hours for re-approval. Although I've also head some that say that they check all the refs...Anyways, I think your best option is to re-submit for approval.
I wonder if ANYONE has EVER been approved with their first five referrals. I should probably expect some to go red even though I'm positive they did everything correctly. ;)
02-12-2005 16:57:44

http//[" alt=""/img4d0f4ab736]
Here is a pic of what my account looks like...
03-12-2005 05:17:02
[quote14b56524d6="Veek"]I wonder if ANYONE has EVER been approved with their first five referrals. I should probably expect some to go red even though I'm positive they did everything correctly. ;)[/quote14b56524d6]

http/" alt=""/"227/9404/yff7wd.jpg[" alt=""/img14b56524d6]
03-12-2005 09:25:57
i did flashipods and videoipods without any reds or credit removals
3604free one person got credit away, but only 1
04-12-2005 08:53:21
UPDATE 2 days after resubmitting I got approved, Shipping estimate is Dec 14th
04-12-2005 12:13:17
[quotecafa21626a="Veek"]I wonder if ANYONE has EVER been approved with their first five referrals. I should probably expect some to go red even though I'm positive they did everything correctly. ;)[/quotecafa21626a]
Most people are approved on the first request.
05-12-2005 19:34:13
but most people have at least one person who signs up but never does an offer and stays yellow, right?
05-12-2005 19:43:32
[quote1d4248a16c="Aurelius"]but most people have at least one person who signs up but never does an offer and stays yellow, right?[/quote1d4248a16c]
i have 2 that havent gone green.. One claims to have done an offer and the other I know for a fact did one but hasnt gotten creditted for it yet, he did put in a ticket about a week or two ago though Shrugs