09-11-2005 12:05:57
Alright so I'm doing TRAINN on a point based system...I got all my offers done and I submitted....but now it seems like it just reset my points. My question is, where do I go to be able to see how my paypal order I just filed is doing? I've clicked on almost every link possible and I can't see where I go to look at the paypal reward I just filed....appreciate any help....
09-11-2005 15:31:51
It subtracts the points once you've ordered to pay for the prize, silly.
Yes, the orders page is well hidden but a direct link is
replaces sitename with flashipods4free or dvdrecorders4free or yourfreevideoipod or yourfreeflatscreens or xbox3604free depending on what site you are doing.
Your order will ship friday, so if its paypal you will recieve it then.
09-11-2005 16:36:26
thanks, thats the URL i was looking for...