03-11-2005 09:56:30
Ok, so I have placed my order, did it awhile ago...and am in the 2nd shipment. I just was looking at the site and noticed that under the rewards area the systems now say will ship 4-6 weeks after launch....I was just wondering would that just be if you were to order it now? Or is the expected shortage going to push everyone back, even those of us who've been ordered for awhile?? any insight would be helpful...I'm hoping that I'll still get my 360 a week after launch...if we are going to be pushed back is there a way to cancel the order and just get a gift card (and take the chance of going to walmart at launch)?? hopefully someone from Trainn can give me a little insight. thanks!
03-11-2005 11:28:26
Yes, it's only relevant to those ordering now as it's always been for every other shipment notice on that page (1st, 2nd, 3rd shipment, etc).
03-11-2005 14:40:58
hey alan,
could you give us all who are anxious to receive our 360's a timeline for the 360 shipments?
timeline, meaning let us know when the first shipment will be sent, 2nd shipment will be sent, and 3rd shipment will be sent.
also, there will be no shortage or anything, correct?
[quote65fbd56a24="tvitems"]hey alan,
could you give us all who are anxious to receive our 360's a timeline for the 360 shipments?
timeline, meaning let us know when the first shipment will be sent, 2nd shipment will be sent, and 3rd shipment will be sent.
also, there will be no shortage or anything, correct?
Thanks[/quote65fbd56a24]The first shipment will go out on or before launch. I'd imagine they don't have any exact dates for the second shipment, but I may be wrong.
03-11-2005 14:54:33
i know, but some people are saying that they are gonna have a huge shortage and 3rd shipment wont ship till 6 weeks or longer. and that 2nd shipment wont ship till 3-4 weeks...
i jsut want alan to tell us the real shipping estimates and if theres gonna be a shortage or not
03-11-2005 15:01:57
Only the first shipment has a guaranteed shipping date (on or before launch). The rest are estimates based on the best information we've been given, but is subject to availability.
The hopeful timeframes are
2nd (7-10 days after launch)
3rd (2 weeks after launch)
4th (4-6 weeks).
If there is a shortage, we too will be affected, but if the systems are available in great numbers, we [ia4ac620923]may[/ia4ac620923] be able to ship them sooner then the estimate. We will not know though until the system has been launched and the products are in-hand.
03-11-2005 16:18:10
im confused... how do u not know how many you ordered? or is it that you do know how many you ordered, but don't know how many people ordered them from you?
lets say there is an extreme shortage, you will keep receiving more and more every week or so, correct? so what you are trying to say is that we will probably be getting our xbox 360's on a first come first serve basis, right?
03-11-2005 16:36:39
It has nothing to do with not knowing how many are ordered, it has to do with how many will be delivered and when. The first shipment is set, all others will depend on the supply available.
In the event of a shortage, they will be filled as available (the timeframe will then be "as soon as possible"). We wont know until it is released though.
03-11-2005 19:24:24
Okay Alan,
talk to you on November 22nd then )