29-10-2005 19:28:59
I really want to see some more instant offers that credit for 50+ points on these sites. Right now there are a lot, but it's either I've completed them before or they're unavailiable to me.
29-10-2005 19:46:40
Ya, I mean, not many people have not done both and stamps yet and the rest are way too expensive.
29-10-2005 19:52:24
[quote8bf8483b17="Strike"]I really want to see some more instant offers that credit for 50+ points on these sites. Right now there are a lot, but it's either I've completed them before or they're unavailiable to me.[/quote8bf8483b17]
I'm not going to quote a timeframe as there is not set completion date, but soon most of the "next business days" offers will be crediting within 15 minute.
29-10-2005 21:26:19
Yeah, thats what I was assuming with those new offers - they'd credit fast, but you didn't want to make any guarentees/set assumptions.
29-10-2005 23:23:31
That's definately great news however...15 minutes makes a big difference on getting good conga spots.
29-10-2005 23:55:39
so when are the "next buisness day" offers gonna be instant?
30-10-2005 00:03:34
How many Trainn instant offers have you completed, dingo?
30-10-2005 01:15:29
Whoops. Sorry, my bad. Yeah I meant you.
30-10-2005 01:19:44
I have only done 2 sites from them but I did video proffesor and it credited in 2 minutes!
and on I did AOL w/music net said will credit in 3-5 days it credited me in 5 hours shock so yea I love trainn how bout' you?
30-10-2005 08:27:23
They are a little behind in missing credit tickets and time it takes to get approved, but they are the second best next company next to freepay.
30-10-2005 15:44:08
[quote758a37c114="Strike"]How many Trainn instant offers have you completed, dingo?[/quote758a37c114]
im afraid that trainn is sort of turning into freepay i hope not (there still great and all but there getting alot slower but i understand with the growing popularity of Trainn
Trainn is still the best in my book
31-10-2005 22:33:17
I don't know but I'm getting close to having all my refs woot!