I <3 you trainn

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=25082


26-10-2005 06:23:44

The 300 I got this morning makes it 550 i've gotten from you for barely doing anything. It's really amazing


26-10-2005 06:25:23

you must be happy alright! 2 posts !! , hehe, once again, CONGRATS!


26-10-2005 06:31:42

That was brag bag / pictures. This was thank you trainn. i'm sorry i'm still a skeptic about freebies after getting 2, and I get really excited to actually get them


26-10-2005 06:51:44

[quote832eaf2ff4="shamash"]That was brag bag / pictures. This was thank you trainn. i'm sorry i'm still a skeptic about freebies after getting 2, and I get really excited to actually get them[/quote832eaf2ff4]

i haven't received anything yet, freeipods is taking longer than i expected ( while i see that premiumipods now only takes 5 days (

I believe.. though its hard to.. i have nothing on my hands to prove it .... ?

lol, sorry bout that, that was just a joke, nothing intended.


26-10-2005 06:59:26

lol i know good luck on your free ipods


26-10-2005 09:19:33

I havent received anything from them yet, but they seem like one of the best! I'll probably sign up for some more of their sites.


26-10-2005 10:31:02

still waiting for two referrals to receive credit. both were done about 7 to 10 days ago. One was the "instant" stamps offer and the other was one that took 3 to 5 days. I wish I could get my paypal faster!