Im confused.... How do they do it?
24-10-2005 15:00:32
Im confused with how trainn can be pulling off sending out ipods for only 5 referals along with other sites. People do offers such Video Profesor where video profesor only pays $25 a signup. $25 + $125 in referals is only $150. I mean I have no problems with this but how can they be pulling this off? Ive been around a while and have never checked into it.
24-10-2005 15:03:43
Bulk orders must be cheaper..
24-10-2005 15:04:32
They bet that most people won't be completing the site, but doing offers, so they rely on those people.
24-10-2005 15:58:41
[quoteb3340ee805="compuguru"]They bet that most people won't be completing the site, but doing offers, so they rely on those people.[/quoteb3340ee805]
True...Very i understand
24-10-2005 16:33:43
I don't think their bulk orders are cheaper. The receipt that came with my nano ordered by trainn said that it totalled a little over $260.
24-10-2005 18:06:37
They get paid mass amounts my their advertisers, think about it. If someone decides to use Ultima Patch, the company gets +$125.
[quote679e3bdf66="Daggoth"]They get paid mass amounts my their advertisers, think about it. If someone decides to use Ultima Patch, the company gets +$125.[/quote679e3bdf66]
ya and most companys pay trainn anywhere from 20-40 dollars per ref
basically they hope people dont finish the site
24-10-2005 20:58:20
Nooo, I talked to "someone" about this. The offers pay more like 70-90 a piece. If everyone finished the site, they'd most likely still come close to breaking even.
24-10-2005 21:42:38
Wow! Never knew that they got paid that much!
24-10-2005 21:44:20
you guys all got it wrong, besides goofygarber. mroe + karma for him!!!
it's like timesharing adveritizng... You go to florida, they ask you to take a tour of a resort, and in return u get a couple free nights in a hotel. the reason why u get the free nights is cuz the resort that you tour gives the hotel like $500 cuz they think that people might buy a room or time share or whatever at their resort.
simple as that, except its with sites and free stuff.
the companys give companys like train $80-$100 every time an offer gets completed. for advertizing (popularity growth + the trial that the company could make lotsa $ if the customer forgets to cancel)
as easy as that...
24-10-2005 22:11:59
Do you even know how much Blockbuster gets paid? More than 75% people who try it, stick with it since it is such a great service.
24-10-2005 22:20:52
I can't believe someone with 77 TR would ask this though X
24-10-2005 23:49:20
[quote3fb4980450="tvitems"]you guys all got it wrong, besides goofygarber. mroe + karma for him!!!
it's like timesharing adveritizng... You go to florida, they ask you to take a tour of a resort, and in return u get a couple free nights in a hotel. the reason why u get the free nights is cuz the resort that you tour gives the hotel like $500 cuz they think that people might buy a room or time share or whatever at their resort.
simple as that, except its with sites and free stuff.
the companys give companys like train $80-$100 every time an offer gets completed. for advertizing (popularity growth + the trial that the company could make lotsa $ if the customer forgets to cancel)
as easy as that...[/quote3fb4980450]
You got it wrong. I used to talk to many site owners, typical offers such as Aol, Blockbuster, pay about $20-$40. Thats a direct quote from many site owners.
25-10-2005 00:03:03
Yeah there's no way that small, simple offers like Blockbuster and Video Professor pay up to $100 per every offer completion.
Maybe you are thinking of casino/poker offers, but not regular ones.
25-10-2005 03:59:10
gratis said they get paid $80-$100 per offer in an interview....
25-10-2005 07:18:32
Yeah, I heard that too ^
It was on their old site, before it got all colorful and stupid.
25-10-2005 08:23:23
It's a pyramid scheme. One that works, but a pyramid scheme nonetheless.
It costs these companies more in the beginning, but once the base of their pyramid starts getting big it's more and more profit. Even in the middle of the pyramid, they're still making money on the people that do an offer and maybe refer a couple people, but never complete the site.
25-10-2005 19:41:23
also, you've got to remember that companies like OC that put people on hold for random reasons make a killing!
That's another way they make some extra cash. Although, I don't think I've heard of one incident of anyone getting put on hold for a TRAINN site. wink
I hate when newbs try to tell us we are wrong..
They are payed 20-50 dollars for each person who signs up. They lose money when they ship out gifts.
25-10-2005 21:12:26
I love it.... Entertains me.... but heres the video profesor affiliate page
see. Im just wondering how they do it?
Newbs do not respond.... )
25-10-2005 21:58:50
Self Esteem --