no green fro stamps yet?
17-10-2005 13:36:42
my friend completed the stamps offer on friday and receive the comfirmation email from stamps. And it is monday and still no green.
Should i be worry about this? since its only been a day, but it said instant credit.....
any help would be appreciated.
17-10-2005 14:44:05
yeah, my brother has had three people complete that offer, and none of them have gone green. don't get your hopes up on it.
17-10-2005 17:33:41
My friend did it, didn't credit. He put in a ticket with the confirmation email though
17-10-2005 17:35:56
My referrals also did not receive credit, so one of them just did another offer and got credit, while the other is still waiting.
That's interesting, all of the people that have done it for me have been credited instantly.
18-10-2005 10:30:45
[quotedcf3c774d3="Veek"]That's interesting, all of the people that have done it for me have been credited instantly.[/quotedcf3c774d3]
yeah, I did it and got the credit email before I even got the confirmation email from stamps
18-10-2005 11:42:15
make sure they/you are using internet Explorer...Firefox dont work even if u have accept cookies on...
18-10-2005 13:46:16
So if they signed up using firefox, like mine did, a simple support ticket (and a ton of waiting im guessing) should clear it up?
18-10-2005 14:25:08
Uh oh. I just had my brother do stamps on YourFreeFlatscreens for me and I'm sure he used firefox.
Let me know how it pans out for you guys.
18-10-2005 14:28:29
i used firefox.. and i've been waiting for almost a month on this offer.
18-10-2005 19:49:29
similar situation here for one of my referrals on waiting for stamps offer to credit.
18-10-2005 23:14:19
i guess no credit for me..........unless a support ticket would clear things up?
19-10-2005 16:41:38
[quote62dfb02a6f="Supacold"]i guess no credit for me..........unless a support ticket would clear things up?[/quote62dfb02a6f]
Worth a shot.
Anyone do stamps with firefox and get credit??
19-10-2005 17:58:32
[quoteda44f5104d="Supacold"]i guess no credit for me..........unless a support ticket would clear things up?[/quoteda44f5104d]
No, but a missing credit request will.
I know you may be accustom to how other sites run, but we set things up the way they are for a reason and things move a lot better when they are used as intended.
19-10-2005 18:04:47
Alan, how long do missing ref requests take? MY last ref apparently filed a request on monday, and im jsut wondering how long I will be waiting.
20-10-2005 12:49:39
And I submitted a credit request (#576, on the 30th of September. Still no credit for me.
20-10-2005 14:03:35
oh man. that really sucks. Its my laaast ref too.
20-10-2005 14:46:56
yea i had someone do that offer. still no credit. he sent in a no credit request so hopefully he credits soon )
20-10-2005 15:48:32
I had 2 people get credit instantly, and 1 didnt. He put in a support ticket yesterday, we will see ;) Must just be a minor glitch that happens once in a while.
20-10-2005 16:08:29
I just did it and i got credit instantly..w00t
20-10-2005 16:27:26
[quoted6a437807d="Matt8789"]I just did it and i got credit instantly..w00t[/quoted6a437807d]
What browser did you use?
21-10-2005 07:50:26
how do i send a ticket wit the confirmation ifo i recieved?
21-10-2005 09:44:32
Me and 3 of my friends did stamps - 3 instant green (before even I got a confirmation email from stamps) and 1 never greened (despite creating a support ticket and waiting for 35 days). Take ur chance. Its a free offer and there're atleast 5-6 good offers on trainn and so, u can always come out on top for all their sites )
21-10-2005 15:50:12
Ive 3 people in the past 2 days do this offer and it greened instantly.
21-10-2005 17:05:47
It was instant green when I did it ...
But I did use IE.
25-10-2005 11:56:34
If it doesn't turn green instantly, then you're out of luck. Submit a ticket for it otherwise.
25-10-2005 15:34:39
[quote04da6c2fc2="Celegur"]It was instant green when I did it ...
But I did use IE.[/quote04da6c2fc2]
Yeh IE works...
Jus to let u guys kno...Firefox u gota download before u can sign up with IE u sign up then download...thus givin u credit...
25-10-2005 19:29:27
yeah it's been 2 weeks since I sent in the missing credit form, kinda a pain in the ass. It seems like a lot of trainn offers aren't crediting so quickly any more or is that just me, 4 of my refs did offers early last week and haven't gotten one green yet.
26-10-2005 10:34:37
it is about 2 weeks, since 10 business days = 14 regular days (not including random holidays)
26-10-2005 11:44:27
You dont have to download then sign up when you use firefox, when i used firefox it gave me the signup first, then the download, and the credit was pretty much instant.
27-10-2005 11:09:01
I'm still waiting 3 of my refs did it on flashipods4free been about a week for some and still nothing there sending support tickets.
27-10-2005 16:07:34
Whoa, after a month and a half I get credit... manually. On the wrong site.
27-10-2005 16:11:43
all my trainn refs are going slowly lately, they must just have a lot of stuff to do. Hope I can get all my credits in soon so I can get my ipod!
28-10-2005 11:46:07
made another thread about this but my missing credit request is now "pending." Apparently this means they have sent the info to