Video iPod to FlashiPods4Free
12-10-2005 16:54:59
Are there any plans to add Video iPods to FlashiPods4Free as a gift choice?
12-10-2005 17:06:10
Yes, but just the standard 30gb version.
12-10-2005 17:29:09
Any idea when the video iPods will be added?
I ordered the 20GB color a few days ago (10/6 to be exact). My order status is currently "received", and I see from your FAQ that I can't cancel anymore. But because of the this iPod change and the 20GBs being discontinued, is it possible to cancel my order and wait for the 30GB videos?
12-10-2005 17:33:18
[quotefe76761fe7="Trainn-Alan"]Yes, but just the standard 30gb version.
12-10-2005 21:47:26
[quotea3393896f0="Trainn-Alan"]Yes, but just the standard 30gb version.
Alan when do you think it is going to be added to flashipods4free? Soon?
12-10-2005 22:11:01
It's going to be a few days as we have some of the old 20gb color supply to burn.
13-10-2005 12:30:01
Don't burn them! I support iPods beeing freed from their captors. That's right, set them free. Free the iPods.
13-10-2005 16:34:11
Hmm, Now I think I may get the iPod Video from FlashiPods4free, and get the cash from Get6Friends...hmmm...
13-10-2005 17:25:22
Alan, how come Trainn has to decided to only inclue the 30gb video on Flash and not the 60gb.
13-10-2005 17:31:55
[quote4083eedcae="Gigante"]Alan, how come Trainn has to decided to only inclue the 30gb video on Flash and not the 60gb.[/quote4083eedcae]
seems pretty obvious.. roll
Anyways I hope It gets added soon )
13-10-2005 22:27:27
How is it obvious? they could just include the 60gb and make it more refs since they have the U2 which is 7 refs, just make this one the 8 or whatever.
14-10-2005 12:06:21
I think because this way will remain 5 refs or lower for everything. If you want the 60gb, then you can always use their new site for that.
14-10-2005 12:15:36
By the way, the U2 is 5 refs now.
14-10-2005 22:55:20
ahh, that makes since now that it is 5 refs. It didn't really make since at 7, heh. Thanks Trainn.
23-10-2005 09:24:43
Any update on the status of this move to FlashiPods4free?
I haven't heard anything, but I'd like to know.
23-10-2005 22:30:51
I am also pretty eager to see this happen and if anyone has an update or ETA on them getting to flashipods4free (i.e. Alan) I would really appreciate it.
27-10-2005 00:12:09
We will begin offering the 30gb iPod with Video Playback capabilities on FlashiPods4free on November 1st.
27-10-2005 09:32:35
[quote9cca23c5c0="Trainn-Support"]We will begin offering the 30gb iPod with Video Playback capabilities on FlashiPods4free on November 1st.[/quote9cca23c5c0]
27-10-2005 16:24:25
27-10-2005 16:59:59
Awesome! I just need one more ref!! Will it be 5 refs?
27-10-2005 18:16:14
Yes, it will be the same, 5 referrals.
27-10-2005 18:31:17
Sweettt! I can't wait to order!
27-10-2005 22:06:39
Awesome, thanks!
29-10-2005 23:04:27
KICK ASS!!!!! I was so disappointed when the video ipod was released and Trainn released yourfreevideoipod... I thought, 'damn, if I had just waited I could've referred my 5 current referrals for a video ipod... ugh...' I already have 5 and am just waiting for one to green (It's been awhile since she completed an offer so she is going to file a missing credit request) and just in time... November 1st is TWO days away. I estimate it should only take a week tops for her to get credit and VIOLA, I finally get my ipod... I LOVE TRAINN!!!!!!! I can't wait to show it off to my friend. He knows how much I wanted an ipod, so when he purchassed one (the out of date photo ipod... HA!), he rubbed it in my face. The tables have turned. I'm getting a VIDEO IPOD.
29-10-2005 23:11:29
Nice friends-friends relationship you got going there...
01-11-2005 09:16:02
Just noticed that the video isn't showing on flashipods4free yet. Wondering maybe if you were to order the colour they would just send you the video instead or if its just not ready yet?
[quote1dba8634cc="RonnyMAC"]Just noticed that the video isn't showing on flashipods4free yet. Wondering maybe if you were to order the colour they would just send you the video instead or if its just not ready yet?[/quote1dba8634cc]
Not sure, but I'm in the process of getting approved. I'll just wait until one of these rep's tell us that it's up, or I'll just see it up.
01-11-2005 14:43:08
30 gig Video is on there now!
01-11-2005 14:49:31
Sweetttt! I just need my final ref to go green. Maybe tomorrow? Then I can request approval!!
05-11-2005 15:05:13
Maybe this is a silly thing to point out, but the video ipod isn't shown on the home page at flash... you have to go to 'rewards' and update your selection from there...