Point system on Tranin
UniPrize Media
14-09-2005 07:50:25
I want to do the point system on Dvdrecorders and was wondering if anyone else out there completed the point system on Tranin sites. If so what offers did u complete. Thanks.
there are a bunch of offers that are like 200 ish points idk im just starting flash now to get a shuffle for my girlfriend.
14-09-2005 17:22:23
I did flashipods point based, and completed it quickly. On freexbox360 and yourfreeflatscreen though, its much much harder (the offers are worth way less and the items cost more) so i'm assuming its that way on dvdrecorders
14-09-2005 18:08:47
The offers are worth the same dollar wise, the only difference is the amount of points awarded per dollar.
14-09-2005 18:43:11
Thats what I mean... I got like 20 points for doing an offer on yffs, and I got 70 for a similar offer on flashipods
UniPrize Media
15-09-2005 08:14:12
What i am trying to figure is which offers are the best for the amount of points assigned to them and also by the difficulty of the offers. and of course credit with in an appropriate time. What offers did u do on flashipods?
[quote50db6e3d7f="goofygarber"]Thats what I mean... I got like 20 points for doing an offer on yffs, and I got 70 for a similar offer on flashipods[/quote50db6e3d7f]
17-09-2005 20:31:36
I did a couple of the $1 for 24 hour access offers. They were worth 100 -125 pts
17-09-2005 21:11:29
Thats on flashipods, theyre worth about 25 on yffs / dvdrecorders
17-09-2005 21:50:20
yeah, you still do about the same, because an ipod nano costs more points than a 360 premium.
18-09-2005 06:56:27
I think I'm going to do 3604free.com as a point site.
How do the point values compare on 3604free to their other sites? For instance how points is Ancestry.com worth on YFFS versus Ancestry.com worth on 3604free?
Are the point values assigned to the offers as level B offers the point values assigned when I change to a point site?
Also, I've submitted a request to have my referral based account changed to point based. In the mean time, if I wanted to start completing offers, should I do them as level A offers or level B?
Further, does the offer I completed when I was a referral for someone else count towards my point total, and if so, will Trainn credit my account with those points, once I'm converted to a point account?
18-09-2005 08:08:43
[quote0f23496810="goofygarber"]I did flashipods point based, and completed it quickly. On freexbox360 and yourfreeflatscreen though, its much much harder (the offers are worth way less and the items cost more) so i'm assuming its that way on dvdrecorders[/quote0f23496810]
how quickly did you get it done? which item did you go for? how much money do you think you ended up putting into it in the end?
18-09-2005 08:09:10
[quote8b97b9dfa3="doylnea"]Further, does the offer I completed when I was a referral for someone else count towards my point total, and if so, will Trainn credit my account with those points, once I'm converted to a point account?[/quote8b97b9dfa3]
I've been curious about that as well.
18-09-2005 08:11:03
[quote4ba8741b3c="Aristotle"][quote4ba8741b3c="goofygarber"]I did flashipods point based, and completed it quickly. On freexbox360 and yourfreeflatscreen though, its much much harder (the offers are worth way less and the items cost more) so i'm assuming its that way on dvdrecorders[/quote4ba8741b3c]
how quickly did you get it done? which item did you go for? how much money do you think you ended up putting into it in the end?[/quote4ba8741b3c]
Took me about a day and a half (would have been exactly 1 day if freeservers hadn't taken 24 hrs to credit), I went for $100 paypal (but I had enough points for 1 gb shuffle, I've still got 320 out of 500 left over after spending those points so I'm going to complete it again today for a 512mb shuffle) and it cost me about $45 becuase I did a server offer for 300 points
18-09-2005 10:07:59
When I got time I will go through and see how many/what type of offers I would have to complete to do the site and post my findings. For MyGift.GiftFiesta it was insanely a lot of offers. It would take like 15 offers that I would do (non-server or credit card) just to get a nano. Hopefully the Trainn conversion isn't that bad.
18-09-2005 10:51:01
For trainn's freeflatscreens, I've done 8 non server / casino / credit card offers, and I'm almost to $250 paypal. Cost me about $45.
Doing flashipods though, it only took like 4/5 offers to get my $100 paypal
18-09-2005 11:06:22
[quote40cf376913="goofygarber"]For trainn's freeflatscreens, I've done 8 non server / casino / credit card offers, and I'm almost to $250 paypal. Cost me about $45.
Doing flashipods though, it only took like 4/5 offers to get my $100 paypal[/quote40cf376913]
Nice, I want to do 3604free. If i did flashipods4free, i would either go for the higher paypal or nano.
18-09-2005 12:02:17
I just went through it, and if I did every offer on there I would want to do, I would have a little over 1,700 points. Keep in mind that is around 40 offers. I think it would take me about 25 offers to get the 1250 for the platinum bundle.
18-09-2005 13:46:49
YESSSS! Just finished yourfreeflatscreen ))) for $250 paypal... i've got 44 extra points though, I might just go for a screen instead. Oh well, I want the money.
18-09-2005 14:23:09
Goofy, How much did it cost you in offers?
30-09-2005 01:49:42
how many points do u need for things on flashipods4free? i signed up on there as referral based and did ancestry.com for my offer, and i saw that it was worth a ton of points on that site, but like half that on 3604free where im signed up using point system. just wondering if it would be worth it to switch flashipods to point system
30-09-2005 09:39:28
Man all of this talk about points is getting me wondering if I should try to complete flashipods and yourfreeflatscreen for points.... my only question is can I see how many points each item costs and how many points each item is worth before I ask to get the account changed from one to the other or how does that work? also how much are the various gift cards worth (point wise) on 3604free?? I may end up going for a gift card after I finish 3604free, that way I can buy people Christmas gifts. any help would be appreciated, thanks!
30-09-2005 10:32:39
[quote85b57888db="autiger"]Man all of this talk about points is getting me wondering if I should try to complete flashipods and yourfreeflatscreen for points.... my only question is can I see how many points each item costs and how many points each item is worth before I ask to get the account changed from one to the other or how does that work? also how much are the various gift cards worth (point wise) on 3604free?? I may end up going for a gift card after I finish 3604free, that way I can buy people Christmas gifts. any help would be appreciated, thanks![/quote85b57888db]
Well to get the 4gig nano on flashipods4free.com its 1375 points. With offers ranging from 65 (lowest i think?) to 200 (really shitty offers)
30-09-2005 14:52:46
[quote1fbb7e50dc]Well to get the 4gig nano on flashipods4free.com its 1375 points. With offers ranging from 65 (lowest i think?) to 200 (really shitty offers)[/quote1fbb7e50dc]
so what your saying is that you can do a lot of the little offers, or a few of the shitty high offers?
is it worth it or not?
30-09-2005 17:35:16
[quote15b8519968="doylnea"]Further, does the offer I completed when I was a referral for someone else count towards my point total, and if so, will Trainn credit my account with those points, once I'm converted to a point account?[/quote15b8519968]
I just switched my yourfreeflatscreens account from referral to point, and it doesn't look like the two offers I had completed are counting ( . I'm emailing Trainn right now to ask if there's any way to get those offers to count as points... that's pretty screwy if they can't ( .
01-10-2005 10:09:01
[quote1287c601be="autiger"]Man all of this talk about points is getting me wondering if I should try to complete flashipods and yourfreeflatscreen for points.... my only question is can I see how many points each item costs and how many points each item is worth before I ask to get the account changed from one to the other or how does that work? also how much are the various gift cards worth (point wise) on 3604free?? I may end up going for a gift card after I finish 3604free, that way I can buy people Christmas gifts. any help would be appreciated, thanks![/quote1287c601be]
a $315 paypal on 3604free is 800 pts. offers range from 2 - 150 or so, but most are in the 30-50 range so...good luck -\
01-10-2005 10:39:53
ONce i get my last 60 points I can tell you how much it cost me to get my $400 and which offers I had to do.
01-10-2005 15:45:55
[quote3729a24f43="doylnea"]Further, does the offer I completed when I was a referral for someone else count towards my point total, and if so, will Trainn credit my account with those points, once I'm converted to a point account?[/quote3729a24f43]
Yeah, they fixed my account status today, and it looks like the offers I completed are counting ) .
01-10-2005 23:16:52
That $250 paypal for flashipods4free sure would be nice.....
I'm kinda deciding right now whether to go referral or points system. Does anyone here know how many refs you need for the $250 cash option?
02-10-2005 00:46:29
5 referrals
02-10-2005 00:59:34
[quote60b02ce3a5="Strike"]5 referrals[/quote60b02ce3a5]
Thanks man )
I think I'm gonna see if I can find someone to do a trade....I wanna get in on that.
02-10-2005 07:09:28
I like their point system, but I would only do it on one site. As you can see in my sig, I am working on refs for flash and points for dvd. I am so close on the points site.