Been working on this site for a while now, got screwed over a couple times with refs but I am finally done, and i have submitted for approval.
-->Flashipods4free is what i finished.
I also submitted for
28-08-2005 10:41:58
Great, thanks for telling us D
Nah congrats man.
28-08-2005 16:35:38
[quote79fba911cd="motz"]Been working on this site for a while now, got screwed over a couple times with refs but I am finally done, and i have submitted for approval.[/quote79fba911cd]
What site?
I think maybe? I know he was working on it b/c i did a referral for him
28-08-2005 17:22:57
[quote1230a89f07="JuG"]I think maybe? I know he was working on it b/c i did a referral for him[/quote1230a89f07]
if it was ipodshuffle, why would he post it in the trainn section?
28-08-2005 17:25:27
[quote9cfe817336="PumaPride77"][quote9cfe817336="JuG"]I think maybe? I know he was working on it b/c i did a referral for him[/quote9cfe817336]
if it was ipodshuffle, why would he post it in the trainn section?[/quote9cfe817336]
i think he meant flashipods