26-08-2005 11:37:44
My wife signed up for yourfreeflatscreen the other night underneath someone (not me) regarding this statement that is no longer on the help page on Trainn sites
I live with ______ and they would like to participate as well. Is there a household limit?
No, all household members may participate on our sites provided they A) Have a unique email address and B) provide unique information when signing up with our advertisers and C) are not one of your referrals (if applicable). Please note, select advertisers limit their offers to one credit per household so please read their respective terms of service before signing up.
i asked if this would be a problem since in the TOS it says
4. Only one account per site per household is allowed. Any user(s) found creating multiple account will face immediate suspension and risk having their account terminated.[/quote1d327f89a9]
the help page has now been changed, and this is the response i recieved from Trainn-Support.
[quote1d327f89a9="Trainn-Support"]We recently modified our system and are no longer allowing this. However, users that have previously signed up for the site prior to this change will be allowed to earn their item (this signup is included). So, in your case it will be allowed this time but will not be in future unless your wife has already signed up for the other sites prior to the change.
Transcendent Innovations Support[/quote1d327f89a9]
so incase anyone else was wondering, if you have other members of your household signed up, then they are ok, but you cant have anyone else in your household do the sites anymore (
thanka for clearing it up Trainn, i know it was causing some confusion.
26-08-2005 15:03:23
They're seem to be turning more and more into Gratis. Which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong. It's just they stood out for their quickness really, which seems to be fading.
26-08-2005 15:41:03
[quotec04fd987a2="halfbreed"]They're seem to be turning more and more into Gratis. Which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong. It's just they stood out for their quickness really, which seems to be fading.[/quotec04fd987a2]
We're adjusting on the fly as events warrant. We tried to be more lax with the eligibility, but people exploited the loophole and we had to stop it.
Although it may appear rough on the surface, it's a one step back before two steps forward procedure and we're making the changes now so that we're more then prepared moving forward.
26-08-2005 16:27:25
[quote642caa9142="Trainn-Alan"][quote642caa9142="halfbreed"]They're seem to be turning more and more into Gratis. Which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong. It's just they stood out for their quickness really, which seems to be fading.[/quote642caa9142]
We're adjusting on the fly as events warrant. We tried to be more lax with the eligibility, but people exploited the loophole and we had to stop it.
Although it may appear rough on the surface, it's a one step back before two steps forward procedure and we're making the changes now so that we're more then prepared moving forward.
Yeah, I completely understand. I just wish people didn't try to scam you guys so you could stay how you were. Unfortunately there's always someone.
26-08-2005 21:46:24
[quote41c7cd926d="halfbreed"]They're seem to be turning more and more into Gratis. Which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong. It's just they stood out for their quickness really, which seems to be fading.[/quote41c7cd926d]
Well you cant compare them with gratis, they are doing what they have to do.. shit if i ran a site i would make sure only one per household cause that can get outta hand... "my dad and mom and bro want to sign up and do this site again.." you really cant blame them
27-08-2005 17:02:09
No Multiple Accounts within the Household is the standard for all freebie sites alike.
27-08-2005 19:31:10
yeah but Trainn took it a step further and allowed this, but with the exception that they couldnt refer, or be referred by anyone else in the household.
it kinda sucks but its understandable.
31-08-2005 13:58:19
If I don't live with my parents can they still sign up as a ref under me?
31-08-2005 16:37:44
one of them can long as they haven't done the sites before but now Trainn only allows one account per household so only one of your parents can do it.
31-08-2005 16:51:39
[quotecc84b9dd62="theysayjump"]one of them can long as they haven't done the sites before but now Trainn only allows one account per household so only one of your parents can do it.[/quotecc84b9dd62]
Yeah only my mom has the time to try. Thanks )
31-08-2005 17:01:51
Yes, they would be allowed since it would be a unique user at a separate location.
31-08-2005 17:16:24
do offices count as separate locations? cause my dad has a office mailbox