How long does approval normally take?
24-08-2005 20:13:08
I know that there have been heaps of accounts requesting for approval. Me being one of them. I was wondering how long the process will take.
24-08-2005 20:28:44
I'm also wondering. I went into Approval yesterday evening.
24-08-2005 20:30:45
Cool. For which site?
24-08-2005 20:32:35
It should only take a couple days, though we just started today as we wanted to clear all the previous order verifications before beginning with the new method.
24-08-2005 20:38:25
Wow that is a very quick response. Two minutes after my last post.
You guys rule!
24-08-2005 22:14:37
I'm waiting for What about you?
24-08-2005 22:51:52
24-08-2005 23:36:47
yourfreeflatscreen here
24-08-2005 23:43:38
I hope they review my account tomorrow.
But they probably won't get through mine.
25-08-2005 01:15:12
I submitted for approval at flashipods monday, hope I get approved soon )
25-08-2005 06:41:40
I submitted for dvdrecorders on Sunday, so hopefully I'll make the Friday cut.
25-08-2005 08:10:46
25-08-2005 08:55:20
i submited monday on dvdrecorders4free, hopefully i make friday also
25-08-2005 15:21:57
haha i won't make friday's shipment. account not approved yet.
25-08-2005 15:34:41
They're not even sure if they are still paying out every tuesday or friday so...and I'm not approved yet either..
25-08-2005 16:04:21
There was some error in my account and I couldn't request approval right away. I had to wait a couple of days =(
25-08-2005 19:50:42
I submitted monday for approval on yourfreeflatscreen and now its thursday and still no approval. That saddens me cry Please trainn approve approve approve all that you can..... )
25-08-2005 22:22:39
damn is anyone approved yet?? im awaiting approval on DVDRecorders4free.. just wondering if anyone is in the same boat..
25-08-2005 22:49:14
Not approved yet. Sigh...
25-08-2005 23:03:12
I really wanted the money tomorow cry .. And yes a lot of people are in the same boat. Theres many boats and we are all crying into the sea because we arent gonna get our stuff tomorow cry
maybe there just backed up, i am waiting on and hope I get approved tomorrow.
26-08-2005 02:51:50
We are in the process of verifying the accounts now, we're currently up to the 23rd, and will continue to verify as many as possible throughout the day.
26-08-2005 04:59:51
I got approved! I requested paypal and it says that my shipping estimate is September 5th. Are these dates usually accurate?
26-08-2005 05:00:41
That would be me.
26-08-2005 06:07:13
It always says that, more times then not you got it way early. )
26-08-2005 13:36:55
Ok if your up to the 23rd and I requested on the 22nd how come my account hasnt been approved? cry
Completed flashipods4free on the 24th but its killing me b/c this is my frist free site!
26-08-2005 14:02:07
[quoteb8b2b4d59e="theclownoftightness"]Ok if your up to the 23rd and I requested on the 22nd how come my account hasnt been approved? cry[/quoteb8b2b4d59e]
While verifying your's a few flags came up so they need to discuss it with you before releasing the hold. Someone will be contacting you via email shortly.
26-08-2005 14:06:21
when do u think ull get up to the 25th approvals..
[quote4058873f82="Trainn-Alan"][quote4058873f82="theclownoftightness"]Ok if your up to the 23rd and I requested on the 22nd how come my account hasnt been approved? cry[/quote4058873f82]
While verifying your's a few flags came up so they need to discuss it with you before releasing the hold. Someone will be contacting you via email shortly.
That must mean i am close! Yes cant wait this will be my frist gift!!!!!!
26-08-2005 15:42:46
For those who are awaiting to be verified, since we are doing ther verifications earlier now, you now have more time to make the shipments as the new cut off time will be around 1200-100 am Central time instead of the usual 9-10pm.
[quote3d879a5a21="Trainn-Alan"]For those who are awaiting to be verified, since we are doing ther verifications earlier now, you now have more time to make the shipments as the new cut off time will be around 1200-100 am Central time instead of the usual 9-10pm.
then i still have a chance of getting approved today and shipped?
26-08-2005 15:51:39
hopefully Jug!!! cant wait to get my flatscreen ;)
[quotea393f3dd47="creep"]hopefully Jug!!! cant wait to get my flatscreen ;)[/quotea393f3dd47]
Yeah i have to make the cut b/c i placed my order on the 23th at like 5am )
EDIT i think it as really the 24th
26-08-2005 16:26:26
Any idea when you'll get to the 25ths?
Well I am still waiting on mine and i am on the 24th in the mourning around 3-5am eastcost.
26-08-2005 18:12:34
[quote32b90872ea="Trainn-Alan"][quote32b90872ea="theclownoftightness"]Ok if your up to the 23rd and I requested on the 22nd how come my account hasnt been approved? cry[/quote32b90872ea]
While verifying your's a few flags came up so they need to discuss it with you before releasing the hold. Someone will be contacting you via email shortly.
Ah man what is it? Feel free to talk to the public I do not mind.... but I have done nothing wrong please approve me. and i sent you a PM and an email. Thank you.
26-08-2005 18:31:05
The board isn't a place for account specific inquiries, but since I have a bit of time, I'll pm you with the information.
[quote1b18e7bcf3="theclownoftightness"][quote1b18e7bcf3="Trainn-Alan"][quote1b18e7bcf3="theclownoftightness"]Ok if your up to the 23rd and I requested on the 22nd how come my account hasnt been approved? cry[/quote1b18e7bcf3]
While verifying your's a few flags came up so they need to discuss it with you before releasing the hold. Someone will be contacting you via email shortly.
Ah man what is it? Feel free to talk to the public I do not mind.... but I have done nothing wrong please approve me. and i sent you a PM and an email. Thank you.[/quote1b18e7bcf3]
26-08-2005 18:37:22
So if I requested approval on Around 1200 AM Tuesday I should get approved and shipped by tonight?
[quoteab59594a3a="halfbreed"]So if I requested approval on Around 1200 AM Tuesday I should get approved and shipped by tonight?[/quoteab59594a3a]
Well you should i am waiting on my approval and i did mine the 24th at 3am
26-08-2005 18:44:59
Still waiting to get approved )
Nice Sig, Clown!
[quote6665d0ba85="Strike"]Still waiting to get approved )
Nice Sig, Clown![/quote6665d0ba85]
what time did you place your ordeR?
26-08-2005 19:12:00
I GOT APPROVED. Me and alan figured things out and I placed my order. I love you trainn. Im going to make a song about you. When I have time. Which is not much but I love you. Thanks.
26-08-2005 19:12:39
[quote3a277cdd25="Strike"]Still waiting to get approved )
Nice Sig, Clown![/quote3a277cdd25]
Thanks! lol
26-08-2005 19:27:44
Btw if it helps for you to answer Alan, I'm waiting on 3604free... (
26-08-2005 19:29:15
Awe of my people went red!
26-08-2005 20:08:52
Aw that sucks. When did you place your order?
I really don't think I'll make the cut off time
26-08-2005 20:14:16
On Tuesday in the wee-hours of the morning. But god damn it this pisses me off. First I wait and wait just to find out one of the people went red, fuck.
26-08-2005 20:24:06
Everything up to the 24th has now been taken care of.
[quote1b3bef5ad9="Trainn-Alan"]Everything up to the 24th has now been taken care of.
OMG OMG i am 24th at 3 am i have to be close!!!
26-08-2005 20:36:07
OMG I have to be soon i want to make this cut i did it around 3am strike did it around 1am i have to make the cut!!!!!
26-08-2005 21:41:47
just got approved and now ordered.. great hopefully i get the paypal tonite!!
26-08-2005 21:49:01
Do they review the accounts on the weekend? i did mine on the night of the 25th so i'm not thinking i'll make it tonight.
I think tuesday and friday
26-08-2005 22:03:54
Tuesday and Friday is when they usually ship
26-08-2005 23:05:53
you're really famous too!
[quoted4dfff547d]Extreme Karma
Rank Smitings Username
1 -319 Ace
2 -250 ItmPls
3 -186 aznjunli
4 -138 Inferno69
5 -124 Petard
6 -102 illkraft
7 -90 gman225
8 -80 JuG
you're really famous too!
[quotef415e154ea]Extreme Karma
Rank Smitings Username
1 -319 Ace
2 -250 ItmPls
3 -186 aznjunli
4 -138 Inferno69
5 -124 Petard
6 -102 illkraft
7 -90 gman225
8 -80 JuG
I was at -85 too give (
26-08-2005 23:30:20
so are they shipping tonight?
27-08-2005 00:07:50
[quote5af7282354="Strike"]so are they shipping tonight?[/quote5af7282354]
Yes, orders will be shipped tonight.
27-08-2005 00:55:54
27-08-2005 06:39:21
When are you going to preorder the actual xboxes? I ordered about 10 minutes ago and I can't wait D
I am not sure how it works but they are shipping lastnight... I dont know if they ship the product and have them in a warehouse or they placed the orders to ship last night. I am not sure really how it works b/c i am a noob.
Do they approve over the weekend, or only on weekdays?
I think its tuesday and friday but i am not sure
27-08-2005 13:13:11
I have been waiting for a couple weeks now for yourfreeflatscreens... it says i dont have enough referrals but i do. I have sent 4 pm's and at least three emails through the site, but i have not heard ANY response.
27-08-2005 16:33:40
congrats jug... hopefully there on the 25th's now.
27-08-2005 16:59:20
They should be, Jug was 24th, so they'll get to you soon!
28-08-2005 11:46:49
I sent approval for my iPod on the 28th or 27th midnite and I was wondering when it will be at the those dates.
So are you guys up to the 26th yet?
yeah i submitted on like the 27th, hopefully i will make it for this fridays shipment. still need to be approved for flashipods
29-08-2005 19:32:59
Wow Train, you have a approval process now? Dam must have been too long since i've done your sites, hurry up and come out with a new one so i can do it! D
Just submitted a minute ago for 3604free. )
unknown uchiha
30-08-2005 14:17:41
just submitted for approval, this is my first completed site. woohoo!
31-08-2005 15:15:15
I just submitted for approval as well. Hopefully they can approve it by today. lol
31-08-2005 15:29:21
good luck, ive been waitin since saturday and still nothin yet
probably tomorrow or the next day. saturday person as well.
01-09-2005 00:30:30
Im a saturday person too as long as they get it in by Friday its cool.
01-09-2005 00:42:44
If your pursuing paypal, yeah they'll get it sent on Friday.
But if your pursuing a physical gift, I think you will get the item next week .
01-09-2005 09:20:35
I requested Tuesday but am going for paypal. I hope I make it in. But if I dont then whatever.
01-09-2005 09:25:25
Yeah the thing is... for any gift they verify first, then you pick your gift. Alan said that earmarking it doesnt really do anything except give you a goal to shoot for. So regardless if you are going for paypal or a item gift everyone has to wait for approval. Many times the approval comes after the payment days. I submitted on Sunday hoping that I would get paypal on Tuesday, but evidently I'm still waiting for approval.