Will unpopular offers credit faster?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=19741


09-08-2005 23:23:31

Hmm one of my referrals completed the Advanced Network Hosting offer and it says that it usually credits in 7 to 10 days.

I am pretty sure that this is an unpopular offer because who would want to wait that long to get credit.

I am wondering if the popularity of an offer is related to the crediting speed in any way.


10-08-2005 00:40:01

I would say that it's not. It's all up to the particular advertiser to decide how fast you get credit.


10-08-2005 07:38:46

They are probably unpopular BECAUSE they take so long to credit.


10-08-2005 09:59:53

[quote755df04d13="JOSHBOX"]They are probably unpopular BECAUSE they take so long to credit.[/quote755df04d13]

Not probably, definatly


10-08-2005 10:19:25

Couldnt be as bad as in instant offer taking days on end to credit.