Found an easy way to recieve credit on YourfreeFlatScreen

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08-08-2005 22:20:37

Well with my first attempt i completed Driving4Dollars and that never credited so i didn't bother trying to get a hold of Alan cause no pms were answered. So i proceed to complete MyInks by making a 10 dollar purcahse and never got credited from that. Then i was told to do 2 1/2 Offers.
I did Buyers Advantage and Autovantage. They both cost $1 and both credited [b0f92875f94]instantly[/b0f92875f94]. The Second after i completed the offer they were completed. Just a Suggeestion.


08-08-2005 22:21:22

wow that was me that posted dont know why it said i was a guest..


08-08-2005 22:43:04

Same thing could go wrong, it just so happens you got credit.


09-08-2005 07:56:16

I did myinks the other day, and got instant credit.


09-08-2005 09:30:05

[quotee57b3e0bbb="ajrock2000"]I did myinks the other day, and got instant credit.[/quotee57b3e0bbb]

Myink is more of a 3-5 hr offer, but i guess you were lucky. D


09-08-2005 09:47:41

[quotee2f5aeeb91="Anonymous"]Well with my first attempt i completed Driving4Dollars and that never credited so i didn't bother trying to get a hold of Alan cause no pms were answered. So i proceed to complete MyInks by making a 10 dollar purcahse and never got credited from that. Then i was told to do 2 1/2 Offers.
I did Buyers Advantage and Autovantage. They both cost $1 and both credited [be2f5aeeb91]instantly[/be2f5aeeb91]. The Second after i completed the offer they were completed. Just a Suggeestion.[/quotee2f5aeeb91]
I had one of my gf's refs do autovantage and buyers advantage, and they got credit instantly as well


09-08-2005 09:51:23

Good thing with those offers is that you know if you got credit or not, right away. You dont need to do that waiting stuff.


09-08-2005 10:33:55

Anyone try Netmarket? One of my refs did it last night, and I am still waiting, I was trying to make todays orders


09-08-2005 10:44:38

This method works, I just did it for him, cant get any faster


09-08-2005 16:32:22

I happened to have done those offers as well and got instant credit. I also go instant for the black expressions book club (11 bucks) there's 2 or 3 other book clubs on there as well.


17-08-2005 11:43:55

I thought I'd add for anyone who's interested this method also works for so I assume it is going to work for all the others.


23-08-2005 09:32:19

Those two offers are great, but lots of people have done them already. Anyone have any experience with other level B offers that are also instants?


23-08-2005 18:05:59

Answered my own question... Travelers Adv and Starclub are both instant confirmed.


23-08-2005 18:07:56

[quote5e8a6e8cf6="jlaw"]Answered my own question... Travelers Adv and Starclub are both instant confirmed.[/quote5e8a6e8cf6]

Great! D