04-08-2005 16:27:36
I've been looking around for it because I sent a no-credit for offer ticket and I can't find it anywhere on the site. Maybe it just got deleted or something. Where do you normally find your support tickets that you've sent?
04-08-2005 16:38:54
[quote6e5f220e64="theysayjump"]the only site that you CANT see your support tickets is flashipods.
the rest you can find them under help.[/quote6e5f220e64]
04-08-2005 16:40:26
I'm on DVDRecorders4Free and I can't find it in help. So it was deleted. Should I send another?
04-08-2005 16:46:43
What was the issue? We're migrating all the "backend" of the sites into one location and not all have been brought over yet. If it was a request that was also received through another method (missing credit, support email, etc) though it may have been labeled a duplicate and removed.