a few recommendations
19-07-2005 18:47:52
1. Save username and password/automatic login
2. Send an email upon offer completion
19-07-2005 21:26:47
Both are on the to do list and will be included when we "refresh" the sites in a couple weeks.
19-07-2005 22:24:24
well if you use firefox you can use the save form info option to save your info to keep you logged in or for automatic login.
an idea wink
20-07-2005 07:51:11
[quote9b31cdd05e="freedesktoppc"][b9b31cdd05e]1. Save username and password/automatic login[/b9b31cdd05e]
2. Send an email upon offer completion[/quote9b31cdd05e]
20-07-2005 09:48:24
make a cell phone site that would kick ass i want a sidekick 2
20-07-2005 09:49:28
[quoteb0574c27b4="Stroid"]make a cell phone site that would kick ass i want a sidekick 2[/quoteb0574c27b4]
I would definately do that site if it came out.
20-07-2005 16:39:26
how bout groceries, im so hungry
20-07-2005 17:51:00
[quote7a4f7b74df="tonydanza92"]how bout groceries, im so hungry[/quote7a4f7b74df]
Haha..make a Flatscreens site..Video camera too
20-07-2005 18:05:46
[quoteb142c107bb="tonydanza92"]how bout groceries, im so hungry[/quoteb142c107bb]
lol whatever hahahahaaha
20-07-2005 20:32:53
we can always use a legit laptop site.
21-07-2005 19:09:54
I would really appreciate it if you could hide offers that Canadians can't do from Canadian users - it took me half an hour today to find 2 offers that I could actually sign up for (and that weren't credit cards - I don't need another credit card, honestly.) Also, I can't get DVDRecorders4Free to show offer requirements in any browser - it just jumps back to the top of the page, whereas 3604free actually shows you the requirements. This, I assume, is a bug. Finally, DVDetc. could use a "request credit" link on the account page under the click history - 360 has them, and it appears to use much the same template.
21-07-2005 22:45:16
Thanks for the suggestions!
[quoted354f95180="Gobywan"]Also, I can't get DVDRecorders4Free to show offer requirements in any browser - it just jumps back to the top of the page, whereas 3604free actually shows you the requirements. This, I assume, is a bug. Finally, DVDetc. could use a "request credit" link on the account page under the click history - 360 has them, and it appears to use much the same template.[/quoted354f95180]
What OS and browser are you using?
22-07-2005 12:32:37
same for me on the req.
[i'm seeing this now]
windows xp and ie
22-07-2005 12:35:37
[quote4057eeb517="theysayjump"]we can always use a legit laptop site.[/quote4057eeb517]
We could have OC be normal again so I don't have the offers of d00m for my referrals. ?
23-07-2005 16:34:52
What OS and browser are you using?
I'm using Windows XP Home, I get the same problem in both Opera 8.01 and MSIE 6. I found the credit request link at dvdrecorders4free, incidentally - the numbers in the first column of the click history are a weird place to have it, especially without a label. It came in quite handy - I didn't get credited for either of the offers I did on the 2 Trainn sites I've signed up for. I've now submitted credit requests for FeelSerenity (at 3604free) and Tickle.com (at dvdrecorders4free,) so hopefully things work out.
23-07-2005 18:41:04
not getting credited within a few hours for tickle is usually a bad sign for you gobywan.. that site is usually one of the fastest crediters on every site
23-07-2005 20:18:45
I believe the "Requirements" click issue has been fixed. If you are still having problems, please let us know.
23-07-2005 21:52:36
not a huge problem just pointing this out
On the bottom of the offers page on flashipods4free there are 12 pages of offers listed. On the top of it there are only 6 listed. On the bottom none of them past page 6 works. Probably because there isn't any past that?
23-07-2005 22:14:38
yeah i got the same thing on both of their/your other sites too.
23-07-2005 22:29:48
It should now be showing the same numbers at the top and bottom.
25-07-2005 11:06:51
[quote8e42ce175a="tonydanza92"]how bout groceries, im so hungry[/quote8e42ce175a]
Lol groceries. Maybe a certificate site that gives out misc giftcards and certificates.
25-07-2005 12:56:03
whatever fills my tummy
01-08-2005 09:21:56
Here just another recommendation, having a lost password link. Somehow I can't login and I'm almost positive that my login info is correct.
01-08-2005 12:31:16
[quote339142d814="johnjimjones"]Here just another recommendation, having a lost password link. Somehow I can't login and I'm almost positive that my login info is correct.[/quote339142d814]
We do, but it's not visisble due to poor design (which is being taken care of). You can access the page by visiting password.php and reset your password that way.