01-08-2007 12:17:58
PM me for link )
Listen up... came from the Admin of Bowling for Cash...
This is going to be a slightly different kind of contest, and it's going to benefit all of us! You don't have to do offers and you don't have to get referrals! So everybody has a chance to make some extra money! In bowling, for those of you who don't bowl, if you get 3 strikes in a row it's called a 'turkey'. For this contest, a strike is going to be represented by a referral link posted somewhere on the internet. What you'll do is post your referral link for Bowling for Cash wherever you can. One post = one strike and 3 strikes = a turkey (3 posts in 3 totally different places.) For every 'turkey' you get, you'll get $1. A perfect game in bowling is 12 strikes in a row, which amounts to 4 turkeys. So if you post in 12 different places you'll make $4! And to sweeten the pot, if you do all 12 you'll get an extra $1, so you have the potential to make $5 just by posting your referral link!
Not only will you make money by posting your link, you could ultimately get referrals who will in turn make more money for you! And the more members we get the bigger we'll be and that'll mean more money and contests for everybody!
After you post your referral link in 3 completely different places, fill out a Trouble Ticket and send me the links to the places where you posted. Once I verify the 3 posts, you'll get $1 added to your account. And when you post the next 3, send another Trouble Ticket. Please only send them in multiples of 3 (3, 6, 9, or all 12), so I can check them and credit them right then. You can only get credit for a maximum of 12 posts. Please remember you can't post on 2 different boards in the same forum like WAHM. WAHM has many message boards but it's still under WAHM. They have to be completely different sites or they won't qualify.
The contest will run for 3 days and starts at 1201 AM EDT on August 1, 2007 and ends at 1159 PM EDT on August 3, 2007. Any referral links posted before the start time or after the contest ends will not count.
Have fun bowling those turkeys!
Linda – Admin
Bowling for Cash
PM me for link )
01-08-2007 12:25:50
[quotee1d2dc3eb1="manOFice"]No referral links.[/quotee1d2dc3eb1]
I know you're new here Sandra, but please take a moment to read over the rules and guidelines we have here at FiPG that all members are required to agree to before participating here. Refer to the post indicated in the big red box at the top of the page. One of our biggest rules is NO REFERRAL LINKS of any kind posted to the forum, except for Fusion Cash. Please edit your post to remove the referral part of the link. You can invite folks to PM you for your reflink if they are interested, but you can't post it publicly on the forum.
01-08-2007 12:30:49
ok all edited , sorry , didnt see that, was just getting the word out on this awesome contest