30-06-2007 21:02:32
Dear RocketBill users,
Since we are a brand new website, we have had a lot of errors and many suggestions from our users, which is something we most certainly needed. First I would like to thank everyone for their suggestions and their help. Due to the hard time of getting $120/ref, since 3 credits is a bit extreme, we have cut down our prizes in half. So now we have changed to $60/ref, which will still be a requirement of 3 credits, [b81daa93be6]BUT THE VALUE OF THE OFFERS HAVE INCREASED![/b81daa93be6] [b81daa93be6]For example A credit that was worth 1/2 on the $120/ref site($20 out of $120) is now worth 1 credit on the $60/ref site($20 out of $60). [/b81daa93be6] We hope this will make it easier to get referrals and your experience at RocketBills more enjoyable. [b81daa93be6]liliFOR ANY USERS THAT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THEIR TRADES BECAUSE OF THIS PLEASE SPEAK WITH US WE WILL FIX IT AND MAKE SURE YOU DON'T LOSE YOUR MONEYlili[/b81daa93be6] This change will take place right now and we want our users to remember that we are still offering free greens to those who sign up UNREFERRED through July 4th Midnight. As well as the free greens, we have also changed our payout schedule; we are now paying out every order within 1-2 weeks after approval. liliPlease note that this is until all our revenue runs out, we currently have some money saved up to credit all of users as quick as we can so we suggest you take all of our money before it runs out! lili We had a promotion of $7 extra dollars per ref if you submit at midnight, but I’m pretty sure no one has enough refs to submit by tonight. Do not be upset, because yes we have changed that promotion from $7 extra/ref to $5 extra/ref. This will be awarded to the first 5 orders that get approved on RocketBills. Sorry for all the changes, we are just trying to serve our users better. We will still offer you the great and quick support that we do, and remember, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us via support ticket or AIM sn RocketBills Help. We hope all of you are happier with these changes, and feel free to always make suggestions.
RocketBills Staff[b81daa93be6][/b81daa93be6]
30-06-2007 22:13:19
After a long day of work and a sleepless night we are good to go. We have kept our credit requirements to 3 credits, but now the 3 credits are worth $60, as to before it was $120. Please remember THAT THE OFFERS HAVE DOUBLED IN VALUE BECAUSE OF THIS, SO WE ARE NOT SCAMMING YOU. Those who did offers before this change have been manually credited the amount they should have. If there is any concern or problems please feel free to contact us, a user has already informed us of a problem he had and we took care of it fully, we will make sure none of you lose your money, the users are our main priority. We are deeply sorry for this change, and if there are any problems, we will make sure we take care of them 100% and gain your trust in us as users. Please also remember, we made these changes for you, the users, not us. We want to please each and every one of you! Sorry for all these changes and updates, the website should be fully functional by now; we have also removed the dead offers and replaced them with new ones! Manual Credits are currently not being accepted from the affiliates because of all the fraud that has been going on. We encourage all of you to follow all the rules to getting a credit, such as clearing cookies, there is a "Guide To Crediting" that we can get out to who for those who want it. Please Contact me for more information. Happy reffing!
RocketBills Staff.