26-06-2007 22:16:38
http//[" alt=""/img53c4a48ac1][/color53c4a48ac1]
[color=red53c4a48ac1]Paydays are every Wed. So get your orders in by 1159 P.M. on Tuesday to get [b53c4a48ac1]pain![/b53c4a48ac1]![/color53c4a48ac1]
Yay, everyone gets PAIN every Wednesday!
I'm interested in getting pain... i mean PAID. lol
I do like the bonuses, i think i'll try it out.
No pain no gain wink
08-07-2007 21:33:24
http//[" alt=""/img0a19813334]
[u0a19813334][b][size=180a19813334]Come on guys only two days left to get you orders in. We are still having our huge June and July promotion. Recive up to $30 for free. Come check us out at[/size0a19813334][b][/u0a19813334] [/color0a19813334]