23-05-2007 12:21:17
is it just me or can you not log in. what is up on the site does any one now?
23-05-2007 12:26:18
Cash.hg4f seems to be hit the hardest ... but it looks like a script issue. I'd say we will all just have to wait it out; the scripts could be undergoing an upgrade or something.
23-05-2007 14:31:30
i hope they git it fixed, this is what i am getting
Fatal error Call to undefined function getglobaluser() in /home/parth823/public_html/classes/site.class.php on line 312
23-05-2007 15:39:41
It is still down, so far. wink
24-05-2007 10:57:03
Parth's response is here [code1923560f842]http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=62841[/code1923560f842]
Hopefully it will be up sooner rather than later.
24-05-2007 11:01:08
i hope so i have 2 that want to do it.
24-05-2007 20:39:17
We will have to upgrade the script it appears. In the meantime, I can still access the admin panel so if any of you have any account specific questions, I can help you out. Just contact me on AIM/Yahoo or leave mea PM. Sorry again for the downtime!
25-05-2007 13:26:47
Any idea as to how long the downtime will be?
25-05-2007 14:22:51
The sites should be up sometime today or tomorrow.
26-05-2007 15:35:52
Yes, you should see the sites working now. Again, I apologize for the downtime.