DiamondDeals News. LOOK NOW!

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18-05-2007 18:46:06

If you were one of our members to receive a gift from us on our 15-17 ship day this week if you post proof here we will send you a $5 bonus. To receive the bonus look below for how.

liMake a post here in the forums showing proof you you received something from us
liliContact us via support ticket and ask us for the bonus and provide us with a link to the thread you made
lililiHave your bonus sent to you within 24 hours

Thread must be created and support ticket must be submited by May 24, 2007 to receive bonus[/sizecc8bccfa03][/colorcc8bccfa03]

PROMOS REVAMP[/colorcc8bccfa03]
promos.diamonddealsnet.com will go through a revamp and will soon be taken down for a while. The reason is that we feel as the requirements are to high right now and we would like to make it as easy as possible for our members. With the revamp you will also see many new offers. The site will be turned into a points site but members will still be able to refer others aswell. Due to this we have decided to discontinue our current "Diamonds or Deals" Promo but a new monthly promo can be expect by June. We will start the revamp of the site this week. Anyone whom is signed up with the site will have to sign up again after the revamp of the site.

TECH UPDATED[/colorcc8bccfa03]
Prizes on tech.diamonddealsnet.com have been updated. So check them out now and if you would like to see us add a prize we do not have up on the site please ask us if we can add it.

We now have consoles on gamepoints.diamonddealsnet.com which now means you no longer have to worry about getting your Video Game Consoles by referrals only. You may now earn points for your console needs.

SCRIPT UPDATE ON THE WAY[/colorcc8bccfa03]
We will soon be upgrading our script meaning new features for our members and also on our site that will only make us better then ever.

NEW SITE ON THE WAY[/colorcc8bccfa03]
Coming this june we will have a release of a new site. So keep your eyes peeled


19-05-2007 17:38:01

Just received $5 bonus. Thanks.