Official Payment Proof Thread

Live forum:

01-05-2007 19:26:57

http//[" alt=""/img3105c6a30e]

[size=243105c6a30e]Here is the Official Payment Proof thread for [url==http//][=http//][/url][/size3105c6a30e]

[size=183105c6a30e]Users that post a screenshot of payment will receive a free [color=green3105c6a30e]$5[/color3105c6a30e] via Paypal.
[u3105c6a30e][b3105c6a30e]Rules for PayPal Promotion[/b3105c6a30e][/u3105c6a30e]
liUsers must post a screenshot of their Paypal payment in this thread.
liPlease include your[color=blue3105c6a30e] [b3105c6a30e]MyCP ID number[/b3105c6a30e][/color3105c6a30e] (located in referral link)
liOnce confirmed, [size=133105c6a30e][color=green3105c6a30e]$5[/color3105c6a30e][/size3105c6a30e] will be sent instantly to MyCP member through Paypal.

How to post a screenshot[/b3105c6a30e][/u3105c6a30e]
1. Press the Prt Scr button on your keyboard (top right of keyboard)
2. Edit screenshot with Microsoft Paint (please remove all personal info)
3. Upload photo through or
4. Go back to forums and post the IMG file

[u3105c6a30e][size=183105c6a30e]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [b3105c6a30e]$500[/b3105c6a30e] [color=blue3105c6a30e](Total Paid to date $13050)[/color3105c6a30e][/size3105c6a30e][/u3105c6a30e]
[img="3105c6a30e]http//[" alt=""/img3105c6a30e]
[size=103105c6a30e][all last names have been removed for privacy reasons. Also, there was a slight delay in payments this week.][/size3105c6a30e]

Submit a support ticket through your account
PM '' in the FIPG forums


01-05-2007 20:30:08

Can you give me more details on how this site works?? How exactly does one get paid and how much?


09-05-2007 01:56:54

It seems that the admin is not here
but i think all of your questions you can see the FAQs in the site

09-05-2007 11:12:48

Payments are made out every Wednesday starting on May 16th for members who placed an order before Tuesday @ 1159pm EST.[/sizeb0905b0e1f][/colorb0905b0e1f]

Keep up the good work!![/colorb0905b0e1f][/sizeb0905b0e1f]


12-05-2007 22:54:41

[b96393cc7c0]MyCP ID 94[/color96393cc7c0][/b96393cc7c0][/size96393cc7c0]
[b96393cc7c0]Awesome site!!! I got paid the day after I submitted my order!!!
[/b96393cc7c0] ) ) )
http//[" alt=""/img96393cc7c0]

18-05-2007 10:54:06

[ud75cd3a9da]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [bd75cd3a9da]$900[/bd75cd3a9da] (Total Paid to date $1800)[/colord75cd3a9da][/sized75cd3a9da][/ud75cd3a9da]
http//[" alt=""/imgd75cd3a9da]
[size=9d75cd3a9da][all names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons][/sized75cd3a9da]
Many payments for last week are still be processed because they were ordered late or were still being verified.

[size=18d75cd3a9da][url==http//]MyCashPrizes[=http//]MyCashPrizes[/url] is still on weekly payouts. The next payout date is [bd75cd3a9da]May 23, 2007[/bd75cd3a9da]. All new and current members need to make sure there order is in before midnight on Tuesday.
Also, dozens of new offers were added today (including $1 exclusives) along with increased payouts on existing offers.[/sized75cd3a9da]
[size=18d75cd3a9da]Below are some of the new offers[/sized75cd3a9da]
[Offer- Prize Value]

At Home Rewards - [color=greend75cd3a9da]$10[/colord75cd3a9da] [color=darkredd75cd3a9da](Only $1!!! Includes $25 Circuit City Gift Card)[/colord75cd3a9da]
Dental Plans - [color=greend75cd3a9da]$25[/colord75cd3a9da]
Passport to Fun - [color=greend75cd3a9da]$10[/colord75cd3a9da] [color=darkredd75cd3a9da](Only $1!!! Includes $25 Staples Gift Card)[/colord75cd3a9da]
Shopping Essentials - [color=greend75cd3a9da]$10[/colord75cd3a9da] [color=darkredd75cd3a9da](Only $1!!! Includes $25 Blockbuster Gift Card)[/colord75cd3a9da]
Sirius Satellite Radio - [color=greend75cd3a9da]$20[/colord75cd3a9da] [color=darkredd75cd3a9da](Offer includes Free Radio and 6 month subscription)[/colord75cd3a9da]
South Beach Diet - [color=greend75cd3a9da]$30[/colord75cd3a9da]
SunRocket - [color=greend75cd3a9da]$40[/colord75cd3a9da] [color=darkredd75cd3a9da](31 day money back guarantee and 3 months free!!!)[/colord75cd3a9da]
[bd75cd3a9da]Plus Many More[/bd75cd3a9da]

[size=18d75cd3a9da][url==http//]MyCashPrizes[=http//]MyCashPrizes[/url] updates offers daily and increases payouts regularly. [url==http//]Sign Up for free today!!![=http//]Sign Up for free today!!![/url][/sized75cd3a9da]

30-05-2007 11:33:50

[b4582a60493]Payments sent out on Wednesday, May 23.[/size4582a60493][/b4582a60493]

[u4582a60493]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [b4582a60493]$450[/b4582a60493] (Total Paid to date $2200)[/color4582a60493][/u4582a60493][/size4582a60493]
http//[" alt=""/img4582a60493]
[size=94582a60493][all names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons][/size4582a60493]

30-05-2007 11:55:55

[bad2a9ff0d7]Payments sent out on Wednesday, May 30.[/sizead2a9ff0d7][/bad2a9ff0d7]

[uad2a9ff0d7]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [bad2a9ff0d7]$1050[/bad2a9ff0d7] (Total Paid to date $3250)[/colorad2a9ff0d7][/uad2a9ff0d7][/sizead2a9ff0d7]
http//[" alt=""/imgad2a9ff0d7]
[size=9ad2a9ff0d7][all names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons][/sizead2a9ff0d7]

[size=18ad2a9ff0d7][color=bluead2a9ff0d7]D Keep up the great work!!! D [/colorad2a9ff0d7][/sizead2a9ff0d7]

AIM MyCPHelp or Joxer24
Submit a support ticket through your account
PM '' in the FIPG forums


30-05-2007 12:53:41

I got paid today! Payment was very fast and easy!!!! MyCP=195

http//[" alt=""/imgd8d7452a9e]

19-06-2007 15:56:56

It has been a while since I posted the last update, so here is a Payment Proof Screenshot of the payments sent out up till now.

[b57732ee288]Payments sent out Wednesday, June 6 and June 13.[/b57732ee288]
[u57732ee288]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [b57732ee288]$1250[/b57732ee288] (Total Paid to date $4500)[/color57732ee288][/size57732ee288][/u57732ee288]
http//[" alt=""/img57732ee288]

04-07-2007 19:54:41

[beed49e84ea]Payments sent out for Wednesday, June 27, 2007.[/sizeeed49e84ea][/beed49e84ea]

[ueed49e84ea]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [beed49e84ea]$500[/beed49e84ea] (Total Paid to date $5000)[/coloreed49e84ea][/sizeeed49e84ea][/ueed49e84ea]
http//[" alt=""/imgeed49e84ea]
[size=10eed49e84ea][all names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons][/sizeeed49e84ea]

04-07-2007 20:09:30

[b70ecc11278]Payments sent out for Wednesday, July 4, 2007.[/size70ecc11278][/b70ecc11278]

[u70ecc11278]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [b70ecc11278]$850[/b70ecc11278] (Total Paid to date $5850)[/color70ecc11278][/size70ecc11278][/u70ecc11278]
http//[" alt=""/img70ecc11278]
[size=1070ecc11278][all names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons][/size70ecc11278]

) ) ) [size=2870ecc11278][color=red70ecc11278]Happy[/color70ecc11278] [color=blue70ecc11278]Fourth[/color70ecc11278] [color=red70ecc11278]of[/color70ecc11278] [color=blue70ecc11278]July[/color70ecc11278][color=red70ecc11278]![/color70ecc11278][color=blue70ecc11278]![/color70ecc11278][color=red70ecc11278]![/color70ecc11278][/size70ecc11278] ) ) )

15-07-2007 23:28:18

[b13cdd0f960]Payments sent out for Wednesday, July 11, 2007.[/size13cdd0f960][/b13cdd0f960]

[u13cdd0f960]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [b13cdd0f960]$450[/b13cdd0f960] (Total Paid to date $6300)[/color13cdd0f960][/size13cdd0f960][/u13cdd0f960]
http//[" alt=""/img13cdd0f960]
[size=1013cdd0f960][all names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons][/size13cdd0f960]


17-07-2007 14:25:37

I had a small problem with a creditor but MCP worked it out for me it seems and I ordered my prize... Here's to hoping I get it tomorrow =) Thumbs up to MCP. If I do i'll report back with a screenshot


18-07-2007 01:40:53

dear admin , i'm so sorry to make a mistake order my payment before my paypal been verified, and my order is placed on hold,but now my paypal is verified.please check it and sent me the payment ! my id is 589 thanks!

18-07-2007 12:29:13

[bbbf0588bff]Payments sent out for Wednesday, July 18, 2007.[/sizebbf0588bff]
[ubbf0588bff]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [bbbf0588bff]$700[/bbbf0588bff] (Total Paid to date $7000)[/colorbbf0588bff][/sizebbf0588bff][/ubbf0588bff]
http//[" alt=""/imgbbf0588bff]
[size=10bbf0588bff][all names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons][/sizebbf0588bff]

25-07-2007 20:53:50

[b90f90df07b]Payments sent out for Wednesday, July 25, 2007.[/size90f90df07b][/b90f90df07b]

[u90f90df07b]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [b90f90df07b]$600[/b90f90df07b] (Total Paid to date $7600)[/color90f90df07b][/size90f90df07b][/u90f90df07b]
http//[" alt=""/img90f90df07b]
[size=1090f90df07b][all names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons][/size90f90df07b]

02-08-2007 16:13:42

[bf5e7ec838b]Payments sent out for Wednesday, August 1, 2007.[/sizef5e7ec838b][/bf5e7ec838b]

[uf5e7ec838b]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [bf5e7ec838b]$700[/bf5e7ec838b] (Total Paid to date $8300)[/colorf5e7ec838b][/sizef5e7ec838b][/uf5e7ec838b]
http//[" alt=""/imgf5e7ec838b]
[size=10f5e7ec838b][all names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons][/sizef5e7ec838b]

08-08-2007 13:22:45

[b21e691eb61]Payments sent out for Wednesday, August 8, 2007. [/size21e691eb61][/b21e691eb61]

[u21e691eb61]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [b21e691eb61]$600[/b21e691eb61] (Total Paid to date $8900)[/color21e691eb61][/size21e691eb61][/u21e691eb61]
http//[" alt=""/img21e691eb61]
[size=1021e691eb61][all names and locations have been removed for privacy reasons][/size21e691eb61]


12-08-2007 12:09:42

Hello! I got my money within 10 minutes!!!
[img995ae667c2]http/" alt=""/"54/9504/[" alt=""/img995ae667c2][=http//img="][img995ae667c2]http/" alt=""/"54/9504/[" alt=""/img995ae667c2]

15-08-2007 15:21:44

[b1861e68fbe]Payments sent out for Wednesday, August 15, 2007. [/size1861e68fbe][/b1861e68fbe]

[u1861e68fbe]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [b1861e68fbe]$850[/b1861e68fbe] (Total Paid to date $9750)[/color1861e68fbe][/size1861e68fbe][/u1861e68fbe]
http//[" alt=""/img1861e68fbe]
[size=101861e68fbe][all last names have been removed for privacy reasons][/size1861e68fbe]

30-08-2007 23:51:34

[ba9acb2bbeb]Payments sent for Wednesday, August 22 and August 29, 2007.[/sizea9acb2bbeb][/ba9acb2bbeb]

[ua9acb2bbeb]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [ba9acb2bbeb]$1700[/ba9acb2bbeb] (Total Paid to date $11450)[/colora9acb2bbeb][/sizea9acb2bbeb][/ua9acb2bbeb]
http//[" alt=""/imga9acb2bbeb]
[size=10a9acb2bbeb][all last names have been removed for privacy reasons. Also, there was a slight delay in payments this week.][/sizea9acb2bbeb]


09-09-2007 12:37:41


http//[" alt=""/img79eecb7b00]


13-09-2007 04:42:53

i can't get paid in Wednesday of this week, please send my payment, thanks you

14-09-2007 19:11:38

[b935b8cfe3d]Payments sent out for Wednesday, September 5, 2007. [/b935b8cfe3d][/size935b8cfe3d]

[u935b8cfe3d]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [b935b8cfe3d]$800[/b935b8cfe3d] (Total Paid to date $12250)[/color935b8cfe3d][/size935b8cfe3d][/u935b8cfe3d]
http//[" alt=""/img935b8cfe3d]
[size=10935b8cfe3d][all last names have been removed for privacy reasons. Also, there was a slight delay in payments this week.][/size935b8cfe3d]

14-09-2007 19:13:21

[bf9402b055b]Payments sent out for Wednesday, September 12, 2007. [/bf9402b055b][/sizef9402b055b]

[uf9402b055b]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [bf9402b055b]$300[/bf9402b055b] (Total Paid to date $12550)[/colorf9402b055b][/sizef9402b055b][/uf9402b055b]
http//[" alt=""/imgf9402b055b]
[size=10f9402b055b][all last names have been removed for privacy reasons. Also, there was a slight delay in payments this week.][/sizef9402b055b]

20-09-2007 14:01:27

[b930a7561b2]Payments sent out for Wednesday, September 19, 2007.[/size930a7561b2][/b930a7561b2]

[u930a7561b2]Total Paid Last Week via PayPal [b930a7561b2]$500[/b930a7561b2] (Total Paid to date $13050)[/color930a7561b2][/size930a7561b2][/u930a7561b2]
http//[" alt=""/img930a7561b2]
[size=10930a7561b2][all last names have been removed for privacy reasons. Also, there was a slight delay in payments this week.][/size930a7561b2]


21-10-2007 11:24:55

I didn't got my 50$ paypal gift,and you didn't tell me why