30-04-2007 20:06:08
We bring you our newest site PROMOS which will be our special site for monthly promos. Below is our first ever promo for the site which will top the month of May.
[icfc42a4d22][bcfc42a4d22]Please note we still have many offers we will be adding thoughout the week.[/bcfc42a4d22][/icfc42a4d22][/colorcfc42a4d22]
http//[" alt=""/imgcfc42a4d22]
[ucfc42a4d22][bcfc42a4d22]DIAMONDS OR DEALS[/bcfc42a4d22][/ucfc42a4d22]
Run Date May 1 - May 31
Status Active
[bcfc42a4d22][ucfc42a4d22]How it works[/ucfc42a4d22][/bcfc42a4d22]
1. Sign-Up at and pick the "Diamonds or Deals" prize selection
2. Complete offer(s) to receive 1 full credit
3. Order your pick
4. Start a support ticket and name it "DoD Promo"
5. Tell us if you want to pick a DIAMOND or take a DEAL (Look below to see what these mean)
6. Wait until June 1, 2007 and see what amount each DIAMOND has behind it
1. DIAMOND - You get to pic the number of the Diamond of your choice on the DIAOMONDS OR DEALS board. If you pick diamond please tell us in the support ticket what number Diamond you pick.
2. DEAL - We will send you $10 via PayPal
[ucfc42a4d22][bcfc42a4d22]Behind each Diamond[/bcfc42a4d22][/ucfc42a4d22]
li 5 - $0
li 4 - $5
li 3 - $10
li 2 - $25
li 1 - $50
Any Referrals you receive is worth an extra $5 in your account
All payments will go out on June 15-17
[ucfc42a4d22][bcfc42a4d22]Diamonds Board[/bcfc42a4d22][/ucfc42a4d22]
[img="cfc42a4d22]http//[" alt=""/imgcfc42a4d22]