23-02-2007 10:48:31
Hello everyone,
Last night we added 3 new prizes
1. Nintendo DS Lite (2 refferals)
2. Xbox 360 + wireless controller (5 refferals)
3. PS3 60gb + wireless controller (9 refferals)
we also added a several new offers
[ue1410bd213][be1410bd213]NEW PROMO[/be1410bd213][/ue1410bd213]
We are currently at 45 members and thank everyone for the support so here is our New Promo.
The next 55 members to sign up will recieve a free 1/2 credit!
Also members 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 will recieve a FULL credit!!
After signing up either contact me via AIM at GoldenFreebies or leave a post here with your member # so i can credit your account.
Thanks Again,
25-02-2007 16:19:31
we are currently at 76 members..thanks to everyone for their support.
Our current promo is still going on but we have added 2 new prizes.
1. Wrist Watch Video Player 2GB, 1.5-inch Screen!! these things are amazing!!
2. Car Headrest TV with a built in DVD Player - 7 inch Screen!!
We are looking for some feedback on these 2 prizes so if you sign up for either of these you will recieve a [b1557c595da]FULL FREE CREDIT!![/b1557c595da]
26-02-2007 23:03:55
ok, i have a question crediting seems to be not-so-great....
i referred 9 ppl, all of them are like at .5 or 0, several manual requests.
i know that you cannot ''do'' anything, but i still find it difficult to get full greens
and....that was not a question finally D
27-02-2007 06:15:04
the crediting is working fine, however we are having an issue with a few offers and we are working them out wiht the affiliate today. Congrats to fattybank for being member 100!
27-02-2007 14:56:00
dont forget to submit orders before 1159pm on Feb. 28th in order to be paid on March 15th!!
27-02-2007 14:58:34
( i shall never make it in time, i have only 1 green ...the rest is like at .25 or.5 bc the offers weren't instant credit...oh well
next payout is in april?
27-02-2007 15:02:04
condra once again sorry for the crediting issues but your one of my "good" members and if i have the funds avaliable i will payout when you finish..