Today is our 3 month birthday, so we're celebrating by unveiling 3 new sites.
First - every other freebie network has an ipod site, so we decided to follow the crowd.
http//[=http//]http// has iPods. The reason there's so many ipod sites is because that's what people want. Of course, the freebie site regulars already have ipods because there are so many ipod sites, but a good freebie site needs more than just the regulars to make up its customer base, so an ipod site it is. And the rest of you can still get cash. )
Second - if you're sick of iPods, you can get a zune.
And finally, the one I'm kinda excited about, because I never even heard of this until today -
Apple TV[=http//]Apple TV http//[=http//]http//
And the contest - it's a simple one. Be the first to complete all our sites and get $350 paypal (or any other way you want to get it, gift card, gift certificates, etc. - no rolls of coin, though). Be warned, though. While I'm not planning on adding any new sites for the time being, any new sites I add will be added to the contest. On the other hand, the prize will also get raised, the more sites there are (i.e. if I add a new site tomorrow, you'll have to complete that one to get the prize, but the prize will go up from $350 to a higher amount). Of course, if you want to win the prize, that means you're going to need to fill out a W9. Each of our individual sites are under $600, but combined, Uncle Sam is going to want his money. I don't like it any more than you do (I'd mind it less if I liked what the government was doing with our money, but that's a thread that belongs in a different forum).
Also, you may have noticed my new sig. That's a preview of the new look that's coming soon for the site. It will be the same script so everything will work the exact same way (in fact, even better since there's an update due anytime now), it will just look better. And once we've got the new look, we're going to be getting our forum here, also )
Enjoy )