SpeedyFreebies News - IMPORTANT!

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=44788


25-08-2006 01:36:23

Hey FiPG,

I am sorry to report to you that SpeedyFreebies.com is no longer a Do-It-Yourself site. It will remain a strong referral site like many others.

For all who have been doing this site as a DIY, you will still have those credits as referrals, but anyone that does extra credits after August 25th will not have them counted as a referral.

SpeedyFreebies does plan on launching a DIY site in the future though. wink

Also - with the dissapearance of the DIY feature, dissapear many offers. Although we do not have our whopping 150+ offers, we still have a strong amount (75+) which is still more than many other sites.

And finally, I am very pleased to inform you that the instant credit scripts are working fine now and that all offers should credit as marked! D



25-08-2006 12:44:29

Thanks for the update, orders still shipping early september right?


25-08-2006 13:20:43

Yep, September 15th.


25-08-2006 15:16:15

I hope sooner )


28-08-2006 09:54:12

Is there an offer list?


28-08-2006 11:34:49

Yes there is an offer list which can be found at http//speedyfreebies.com/viewoffers.php D


09-09-2006 09:56:36

and how long does approval take ?? if i place an order now will i be paid on 9/15 ??


09-09-2006 10:05:14

[quote36a90b9019="flyaway"]and how long does approval take ?? if i place an order now will i be paid on 9/15 ??[/quote36a90b9019]

October 15th. No approval.


09-09-2006 10:19:57

You usually get verified/approved within a day.

If you placed an order now, you would be paid on October 15th.