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Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=44726


23-08-2006 18:32:35

Many of you might have noticed that AIM support wasn't on as much and that there were countless crediting problems.

I'm just here to notify you that everything with crediting has been fixed and instant credit offers will now acutally be instant and that AIM support will be on much more. D

Also, many are wondering, when the next payout/shipping date is The answer is September 15th. (You must place order by August 31st)
Yes, I know that we should ship more frequently because we are "Speedy", but I really have no control over when I get paid and I can't change how frequently we ship yet.)

Hopefully everyone is happier with SpeedyFreebies now. I am doing everything in my power to constantly make this site better. 8)