hi all
has anyone done the any 360 game order?
How do u pick which game? is it after u submit for approval? i submitted a ticket but i am curious if anyone knows )
shipped 7/31, was in processing for a while while they were changing over. went stv over the weekend and shipped. hope to have prey in my 360 thursday )
got it 8/5
thanks collegestuff!
nevermind, u open a support ticket for the game u want after u submit for order approval
in case anyone else is wondering, they are switching to a new network. as a result, shipments will go out around the 20th of july )
cant wait for prey!
they are shipping any pending orders tomorrow, in case anyone was wondering )
24-07-2006 15:28:22
Hmm that site looks nice. What offers do they have?
this stuff
http/" alt=""/img118.imageshack.us/img="118/605/snagitdm1.jpg[" alt=""/imgd633bb311a]
I am going to see if i can do the site again, would u want to be a ref if i can?
added the picture
it had my ref id in it before )
25-07-2006 15:32:08
I might be your ref in a week or two..and I wanted to see the offers P like to get credit.
got prey for the 360 today. it rocks. thanks collegestuff4nothin! picture to follow
05-08-2006 18:20:50
congrats, this seems to be the mewcha, jy3 thread.