24-12-2005 10:26:53
This site will pay you via paypal for about everything? It pays you up to $100 for referals! It looks like a professional site to me, how about you? Check it out!
24-12-2005 16:31:26
No ref links (even hidden ones).. please remove it, I'd hate to report you to the Mods..
25-12-2005 16:26:20
What is "east cash"?
Not only that but you are still posting ref links after being here for 2 weeks??
25-12-2005 17:10:29
[quote5aaedd479c="theysayjump"]What is "east cash"?
Not only that but you are still posting ref links after being here for 2 weeks??[/quote5aaedd479c]
Because he is a scammer. Wish I had a ban button.
26-12-2005 19:20:51
[quote69861ca2cd="theysayjump"]He be scamtastic?[/quote69861ca2cd]
Sketchy indeed.
unknown uchiha
26-12-2005 19:49:19
This one forum I used to Co-Admin had a member who would post a photoshopped picture of Julius Caesar with a "thumbs down" saying in bold red letters "BAN HIM!" =D Ah the good times.
East Cash is cash good only on the East Coast =P
26-12-2005 20:04:21
http//[" alt=""/img08f2b3c403]