09-12-2005 18:45:52
wondering if any of you guys have heard of this site, it was mentioned a little in the trading forums but kinda died out. I need to know if anyone has done this and knows its legit. I have a few questions about it, right now all i know is you can sign up and do a $20 casino offer and already order a xbox 360 game without any other refs. Was wondering if you could do your own refs so you can get some more games, if its legit of course, and also if a ref does do an offer do you get another game for that and does your ref also get a game?
10-12-2005 20:01:45
I did 3 offers, got credit for one and have waited a number of days for credit on the other two. Sent in two support tickets and nothing yet.
10-12-2005 20:43:26
how much do the offers cost? also, can you do your own refs?
15-12-2005 18:19:30
[quote4a3a84777f="skillet2003"]how much do the offers cost? also, can you do your own refs?[/quote4a3a84777f]Yes you can complete your own ref for payzero, since it is a point site. But also get points from refs.
I will let everyone know if this site is legit, as my order should be shipped by the end of this week.
18-12-2005 14:12:15
Well, i am screwed on this site now. Just got an email from the Admin (Mr Black,) saying that all credits for Jet Bingo and Bingo Cafe are being reversed, as the advertiser is saying fraud. I had 3 refs, who ALL did these offers. I had placed a custom order, and he said the he was going to ship orders starting the 15th, and then the rest in the next day or so. I IM'd him earlier today asking if my order would be sent on Mon. He said "likely." So a while later i get the email saying they are revoking credit. My credit is the only one left for my account. Now i can't really ask my refs for money back, cause of someone else problem. So it basically cost me about $150. I have 1 more ref who has been having trouble getting credit for their offer as well. Initially, i really liked this site, but now i do not know.
i find the timing of this announcement a little too convienient for the site. I doubt any orders were actually sent on the 15th, as was stated. Has anyone's status that placed an order actually went to shipped or STV?
19-12-2005 10:28:24
This is the email i recieved notifying me that I would not be paid
[quote38fe695fff="OfferWeb Email"]From "Joy Miskovich" <>
Subject OfferWeb_NOV Traffic_BingoCafe & JetBingo CPAs
Date Tue, December 13, 2005 1052 am
You are receiving this email from Bingo Cafe/Jet Bingo because you have been
promoting either of these offers through Offerweb.
We have been monitoring the quality of traffic coming from your link on a
player-by-player basis over the entire period of your incentivized
A profit and loss statement is attached for your review. You'll see an
alarming average net loss per player of $140. All ips are attached so you
can trace them back to your user for non-payment, as well. Bingo Café / Jet
Bingo have been consistently losing money on your traffic since you started
promotions. To give you the benefit of the doubt, we allowed November to
continue in the hope that player values would rise to something even close
to a positive net worth, a point where the players were not actually costing
money to have on the books. This has not eventuated.
Many other links tracked by the advertiser using incentivized channels are
showing a positive profit, illustrating that there is nothing wrong with the
model being used, or the operation of the web service. Clearly, we can see
the disparity here between good and bad traffic.
Your players were checked and linked back to you via their IP, and with your
affiliate manager’s assistance, we have been able to ascertain without doubt
that your traffic indeed is of poor quality for this campaign.
Consequently, after previous months of ongoing payment on massive net
losses, we will no longer be paying for your traffic.
You will not be paid for the month of November for any traffic on Bingo Café
or Jet Bingo.
If you have any questions you may direct them to Grant, the bingo manager
NOTE Your Offerweb commissions will be going out as scheduled, just less
the revenue you'll see tracked in your account from Bingo Cafe & Jet bingo.
Bingo Cafe
Like I said in the email to my users I know this is BS and im fighting to get paid. I have checked the list provided and most of you guys arent even there.
This was my response
[quote38fe695fff="My Reply to the email"]From "admin" <>
Subject November OfferWeb Leads
Date Thu, December 15, 2005 1246 pm
To,"Joy Miskovich" <>
Hello Grant,
I am writing to you to discuss and shed light on my unique situation
concerning the non-payment message I received from you.
First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Patrick Morgan and I
am the owner and administrator of the Pay-Zero Network, which presently
operates http//
I am concerned by the message that you sent me and think you may have
made a mistake, let me explain why.
You sent me a balance sheet for a large number of players; many more
than actually were referred by my site.
Out of 109 players on the list, only 6 of them exist in my database, the
others are not users from my site.
Out of the 6 users that are from my site, 3 of them caused a loss to
your enterprise and the rest left you with a positive balance.
Out of the 3 that caused a loss, only 1 was actually credited as leads
by you and or offerweb, the company I sourced these offers from.
All this to say that in the general analysis, only 3 credited players
caused losses to your company and I had instituted minimum playing
requirements in place to benefit the advertiser as much as possible.
Please realize that the completion of these offers by my users has
created an obligation from me to them. I can see plainly that
incentivized campaigns do not bring you the kind of traffic you are
looking for, but I find it difficult to accept that this “test” or
whatever you may call it has been done at my expense and that of the
users of my site.
There was no information stated anywhere that could have indicated that
incentivizing your campaigns in the way it was done was against any term
or condition of the offers in question.
Faced with the questioning emails of my users who are now considerably
angry at the idea of not receiving their due, I would ask you to analyze
my account and leads once more so that we may come to an agreeable
solution. These people expected something in exchange and the least that
can be done in a situation like this is for them to get their money back.
Once again, if you analyze the leads and results specific to my site,
you will see that they were considerably better than others you have
placed in the same list and definitely not fraudulent.
Please help me resolve this situation amiably that we may put an end to
it and part on graceful terms.
Yours truly,
Patrick Morgan
Owner – Pay-Zero Network
19-12-2005 14:04:26
great response, and considering 98% of what he told you is bullshit, i'd be really pissed off at bingo cafe.
19-12-2005 16:09:18
Definitely a very professional response. Good email.