Im so mad!!!!!! (Because of CCU)

Live forum:


08-11-2005 21:41:42

Well im not really into casinos but last time I played bingo and won 50 bucks. Then I kept reading stories about people winning a lot of money from casinos.
So, I went on and went to do a casino offer. I went to and I saw the offer Casino Tropez. It caught my eye because it will pay me $75 to complete it. So I gambled the money I won from bingo and tried it on casino tropez. So I didnt have much luck on the casino so I lost it all, but I was like oh well, at least im going to get 75 bucks from CCU.
A week passed and I submited a support ticket and I was lucky enough to be 1 out of 2 person who is not getting any credit. So there goes 50 dollars down the drain.
This REALLY SUCKS!! All I have heard is good news from people completing CCU but not for me. Has anybody else not gotten credit?Last offer ill ever do on Casino Cash Unlimited.


08-11-2005 21:51:14

did they ask anything about you sending them your conformation emial? Most sites have you do that and will get you your credit...


08-11-2005 21:54:13

I know most sites do but they didnt. All they said was "We\'ve not received report of your completion thus credit will not be applied to your account.". They didnt even bother for me to send them the email or nothing. This is Bull


08-11-2005 22:58:52

If I do not receive report of your completion, I have no way of knowing you ever fulfilled the offer requirements. I spoke with my affiliate manager about this before you ever submitted a ticket as I found it unusual that 2 users who had submitted a credit request were not reported. Unfortunately the casino has no record of my you being referred by Interesting you say "All they said was..." and left out the rest of our correspondence, but that is neither here nor there. Nonetheless, I apologize for any inconvenience but as Casino Tropez does not allow for manual credit there is absolutely nothing I can do.


08-11-2005 23:33:25

[quote8831d16fe4="FreeOffersNow"]If I do not receive report of your completion, I have no way of knowing you ever fulfilled the offer requirements. I spoke with my affiliate manager about this before you ever submitted a ticket as I found it unusual that 2 users who had submitted a credit request were not reported. Unfortunately the casino has no record of my you being referred by Interesting you say "All they said was..." and left out the rest of our correspondence, but that is neither here nor there. Nonetheless, I apologize for any inconvenience but as Casino Tropez does not allow for manual credit there is absolutely nothing I can do.[/quote8831d16fe4]
Okay, here are the respongs I got
Answer I actually looked into your offer credit early last week, but to no avail. You are one of the two who have not received credit for this offer, which I have since removed. I apologize for any inconvenience.
Answer Unfortunately, no. We\'ve not received report of your completion, thus credit will not be applied to your account. I apologize for any inconvenience.

[b8831d16fe4]Well Im %100 positive that I did it through CCU. You guys should really check your ref links so other people wont get screwed. And what a coinsidence that after I did the offer, then the offer was gone from your website. [/b8831d16fe4]


09-11-2005 00:09:46

I'm unsure you understand how affiliate tracking works. Casino completions are generally tracked by cookies, bonus codes, or in some cases, both. In this case, cookies are the sole form of tracking. Thus, missing credit is generally a problem with how your browser is configured to handle cookies. However, because there were 2 cases of missing credit for Casino Tropez in a short period of time (which is very unusual), I contacted my affiliate manager regarding the missing credit. After it was determined that CasinoCashUnlimited would not be commissioned for those completions, the offer was immediately removed. Despite what you may believe, the offer was removed to ensure that "other people wont get screwed." Again, I apologize for any inconvenience, but at this point there is nothing more I can do.


09-11-2005 10:35:29

Well I've done many offers and I havent had a problem with any (just one that I used a diiferent browser not CCU) of them. I know how cookies work. Im just mad because I regret doing this offer at ccu, I could have atleast gotten half from other people on the FIPG who pay for casino sites.


09-11-2005 13:21:08

[quote9d00dbb222="x323smostwantedx"]Well I've done many offers and I havent had a problem with any (just one that I used a diiferent browser not CCU) of them. I know how cookies work. Im just mad because I regret doing this offer at ccu, I could have atleast gotten half from other people on the FIPG who pay for casino sites.[/quote9d00dbb222]

Perhaps. Or, perhaps your completion would not have been reported for them either. I understand your disappointment, but its just one of those situations that ends badly for everyone (except of course, the casino). Compare the rate that credit is applied when legitimately requested on CasinoCashUnlimited to any other site, and if we don't beat them...I can assure you we are right there with them.


09-11-2005 13:43:30

I got screwed by CCU as well. I like casino offers but i usually wouldnt do a site like CCU because i can get paid upfront and get other incentives from freesites with casino offers (Allthis4free for example gives out 100$ items for doing certain offers) Anyways I saw the 75$ prize for reef club casino and thought to myself "even if i lose the 50 i'll still profit"
So i make my 50$ deposit and i wagered the 100$ and lost it all.
I never got credited for my offer and FON said theres nothing he can do
I didnt make too much noise about it but seeing another person get ripped off makes me seriously pissed. Im seriously considering writitng to reef club and putting anti CCU messages in my sig. Of course FON is a mod[/size3ce28c432b] so i dont really know how far i would get doing that. roll


09-11-2005 17:16:09

[quote55cde46666="JUNIOR6886"]I got screwed by CCU as well. I like casino offers but i usually wouldnt do a site like CCU because i can get paid upfront and get other incentives from freesites with casino offers (Allthis4free for example gives out 100$ items for doing certain offers) Anyways I saw the 75$ prize for reef club casino and thought to myself "even if i lose the 50 i'll still profit"
So i make my 50$ deposit and i wagered the 100$ and lost it all.
I never got credited for my offer and FON said theres nothing he can do
I didnt make too much noise about it but seeing another person get ripped off makes me seriously pissed. Im seriously considering writitng to reef club and putting anti CCU messages in my sig. Of course FON is a mod[/size55cde46666] so i dont really know how far i would get doing that. roll[/quote55cde46666]

I'm sorry you feel that you were "screwed by CCU," but apparenly you are unaware that I DO NOT earn commission on completions where credit is not applied. I credit each and every reported completion, and have a 98.4% crediting rate. This means that 98.4% of legimate credit requests have been CONFIRMED. I challenge you to find a site with a superior track record. Write Reef Club if you would like, but it will do you no good...they will simply explain that their affiliate tracking software is "state of the art" and tracking errors are the result of client-side browser misconfigurations. 888 Casinos do not allow for manual credit (most casinos do not).

Regarding your "anti CCU messages," if thats how you are free to do as you like. Seems to me that when something doesn't go your way, you cry and attempt to spark a revolution. No credits are a risk we all take, we've all had them...even with FreePay. I don't know what else to tell you but "deal with it."


17-11-2005 22:28:11

[quotefc641571d4="JUNIOR6886"]I got screwed by CCU as well. I like casino offers but i usually wouldnt do a site like CCU because i can get paid upfront and get other incentives from freesites with casino offers (Allthis4free for example gives out 100$ items for doing certain offers) Anyways I saw the 75$ prize for reef club casino and thought to myself "even if i lose the 50 i'll still profit"
So i make my 50$ deposit and i wagered the 100$ and lost it all.
I never got credited for my offer and FON said theres nothing he can do
I didnt make too much noise about it but seeing another person get ripped off makes me seriously pissed. Im seriously considering writitng to reef club and putting anti CCU messages in my sig. Of course FON is a mod[/sizefc641571d4] so i dont really know how far i would get doing that. roll[/quotefc641571d4]

Thats retarded logic.