07-10-2005 21:22:01
Is anyone else having problems with crediting on these sites.
Every offer I've ever done on any of the Getlifriends.com sites doesn't seem to credit.
What is the support like and what's the likelihood of them crediting from the confirmation emails?
07-10-2005 21:40:31
I'm in the same boat. I did Simply You and Connections. It's only been 3 days but these seem like the offers that would credit quicker.
07-10-2005 22:00:34
It takes a while but one of my refferals went green today (after two days) and he completed the cortiban offers. I have been having trouble with the connection offers.
BTW, heres a scary fact. When I seached memberworks (Owner of Connections and all the other offers), there were reports saying that it was a scam and it charged people randomly.
07-10-2005 22:25:18
Yeah, Cortiban took a couple days to go green for me. That would really suck if the Connections owner really is a scammer...
07-10-2005 23:05:51
The get _____ friends sites are slow to credit but they normally did credit after 3-5 business days...
08-10-2005 08:25:40
I'm waiting on 3'ish days credit for a couple level b offers; nothing yet; but I don't expect credit on the weekend. Both were connections offers, I believe.
08-10-2005 17:10:41
I dont think she credits on the weekends...I believe pookie (the owner) has stated in her forum that she credits every business day.I've got 1g/4y right now so im hoping she credits somewhat quick!
10-10-2005 12:51:19
I did 2 offers on get5friends and never got credit for either
horrible network in my opinion
12-10-2005 21:43:01
Doesnt the owner of these sites post here, or at least used to?
12-10-2005 22:18:17
I personally think that ower is very unprofessional and there have been loads of problems with her crediting.... just do a search and you should find some interesting threads
12-10-2005 22:29:01
ya me2 I had a trade go horribly after doing 2 offers and no greening. I had to pay the trader back some paypal along with the money I lost on 2 offers....I hate this network.
13-10-2005 00:06:25
I had 4 greens no problem..However im having a problem with the 5th green...
13-10-2005 09:03:36
I've not yet greened for the offers I've done, but at least my refferer has been somewhat understanding
13-10-2005 17:08:54
I have 2g/4y. The 2 greens had went green in less than two days, but the other four are taking more than a week, and I am positive all of them did offers.
13-10-2005 17:56:22
i had 2/4 done and 2 pending for 3 months than i got tired of waiting and sold the account.