25-07-2005 17:51:19
I'm thinking about doing this site, and I want to know if anyone has recieved gifts from them.
This site looks awesome! They have a custom order option, and allow 3 accounts per household!
25-07-2005 18:09:59
Be prepared to wait a month to receive your gift.
To answer your question if they are legit, we dont know yet. They have not made shipments. (To my knowledge).
25-07-2005 22:57:14
Yes, they've made shipments, to myself included.
The site is indeed legit.
26-07-2005 04:42:14
I am pending approval, waiting the month....
26-07-2005 11:55:34
Why the wait? Did they say they don't have enough funds to send yet?
26-07-2005 12:27:12
Wait, they allow 3 accounts per household? You can get two people from your household to be your referral? This seems a bit off.