15-07-2005 18:09:42
so now the legalpcsteal and legalsteals sites are down. on their forums the owner had said he just recieved his check and was going to start shipping. I was waiting on my last ref to credit to order, so this really sucks.
16-07-2005 11:55:17
Yeah I'd really like to know if this is a scam or not. Let me know how this turns out.
16-07-2005 13:17:46
Yes, it is a scam, you can check their forum on A4F. Apparently the owner "says" that they lost everything from the site, and can't fill orders. Since I can't link to A4F, I am going to quote his post
When metallicvin was online the night scuba got the check, he metioned that he wanted to keep the money. Then the site went down. Only 2 people got paid, that mysting guy on anything and MAXlegalsteals.
When scuba got on, metallicvin was like...whats going on are we going to get our gifts. Scuba said since the site went down the data base lost everything, which would be true only everyone who ordered things emailed him at his gmail account and told him there custom orders.
I put my conversation with metallicvin down below, but this is what we've got to do. Everyone who was scammed by him has to call metarewards and request their money back for them and there referrals, I DID THE SAME THING WITH FREENOTEBOOKPC WHEN THEY SCAMED AND THE GUY GOT HIS CHECK SUED BACK BY METAREWARDS. The number is 877-447-3547 COMPLAIN LIKE HELL!!!!!!!
THis was my conversation with metallicvin today( his sn is italianvinny1)
problemchild723 he really censoreded us over huh?
italianvinnY1 Yeah
italianvinnY1 Well
italianvinnY1 He said
problemchild723 did he get online
italianvinnY1 That the databse is messed up0
italianvinnY1 yes
problemchild723 and so are we getting our gifts?
italianvinnY1 No
problemchild723 what???
italianvinnY1 He said that when the website went down, all the information went down to
problemchild723 that, we sentr our custom orders to custom@legalsteals
problemchild723 remember?
italianvinnY1 Really?
italianvinnY1 that was the email addy
problemchild723 yeah
italianvinnY1 lol
problemchild723 custom@gmail i think
problemchild723 hey whats his sn
problemchild723 since were not getting our gifts
problemchild723 I WONT BE MEAN
problemchild723 i just want to know whats up
problemchild723 and why he would do it
italianvinnY1 scubalegalsteals
problemchild723 no his personal sn
italianvinnY1 scubastevelmna
problemchild723 really? or are you just giving me a fake?
italianvinnY1 no
italianvinnY1 thats realy
italianvinnY1 his
problemchild723 ok
italianvinnY1 He pisses me off
italianvinnY1 I worked so hard for that siteitalianvinnY1 spent all my time on there
italianvinnY1 for nttin
italianvinnY1 nuttin
problemchild723 did you tell him how you felt
italianvinnY1 Yeah
problemchild723 since he knew you wanteed the speakers
italianvinnY1 He said he's giving me 10$ amazon
italianvinnY1 for moding the board
problemchild723 whhhhats?
italianvinnY1 im like wtf
italianvinnY1 But I didnt get it
italianvinnY1 yet
problemchild723 what about your speakers?
italianvinnY1 he said thi like
italianvinnY1 3 hours ago
italianvinnY1 idk
italianvinnY1 He said he cant
italianvinnY1 but
italianvinnY1 he lieing
problemchild723 why not????
problemchild723 man hes a censored
That is from Problemchild723 on A4F
16-07-2005 13:38:02
Nope, really doesn't, glad I didn't go for it
17-07-2005 03:25:37
i spent 20.00 dollars on the site
trying to work out how to get my money back
very disappointed i know so many people who got stuff from them why now turn evil.
greed always wins (