12-07-2005 19:41:28
I think this is failry new, I found it from some guy that IMed me askin to join his new site and he said he knows the part owner of it. The site is
Well the interview on freebiezone is between both part owners of it which is weird and they claim fast crediting and shipping.
I signed up and an ipod mini is 6 referrals \ The only reason I would want to try this is because I have 2 gigs left on my hard drive and I would like the 300gb WD Hard drive they have.
Quick Question, do any other free sites offer hard drives?
12-07-2005 20:05:07
Get5Friends has Hitachi 7K400 400 GB HD
I am also the first person to finish ZeroDollarTech, will post pick when i get my 1GB Duo
freecomputeraddons has a WD 80gb SATA drive for 2 refs or a WD 250gb SATA drive for 5 refs.