14-02-2009 23:24:33
Hey all and thanks for the help. I was wondering if any of you know any legit sites where you don't need referrals and you can just do more offers. (certain number of level 1 offers, certain number of level 2 offers, certain number of level 3 offers, so on). I found one site which is www.mediancs.com but I dont think it's a very legitamate site, have any of you heard of it? Thanks for all your help.
sandra habina
15-02-2009 07:22:49
You may want to check out the DIY sites section on this forum.
Best of luck.
18-02-2009 13:08:40
You could do a TraInn site using a points account. Givafree also has a points option.
18-02-2009 14:17:34
I like your screen name, heh
Go to the DIY section and do the ideal 8 offer $750 bucks site
22-02-2009 18:31:09
slot of sites will have a ref/points account option just click points. Trainn has that setup.